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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube 2 engine games/mod list

by .sCaSd. on 04/12/2011 14:58, 13 messages, last message: 10/27/2011 06:52, 7507 views, last view: 05/05/2024 10:56

I am looking for a list of Cube 2 Sauerbraten game mods/total conversions. The one I have is not very new and lots of mods listed there didnt reach release state. Below is a list of fps mods/games with at least a release candidate:

Red Eclipse, stand alone
Home: http://www.redeclipse.net/

Sauerbraten Enhanced, modification
Home: http://www.sauerenhanced.tk/

Syntensity, modification
Home: http://www.syntensity.com/

Platinum Arts Sandbox, for kids - no true fps
home: http://www.sandboxgamemaker.com/

3rd Space Incursion, commercial
Home: http://tngames.com/product_detail/12/3rd-Space-Incursion-PC-CD-ROM

Please complete this list. Dont post Cube 1 mods.
I know, there is also a (more or less) comercial mod/tc displaying ads somewhere.
Someone knows which one ?

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#1: ..

by Q009 on 04/12/2011 17:30

The SauerEnhanced site is dead (for now)
And Syntensity isn't a modification but game platform which is dead and forked as CubeCreate (www.cubecreate.com) then OctaForge due to some complicated stuff going in the project development and management...

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#2: ..

by degrave3 on 04/12/2011 19:16

Hm http://www.kill-skill.com free, closed sources 3rd person shooter with some RPG elements.

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#3: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/13/2011 04:57, refers to #2

Is that even Cube 2?

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#4: Re: ..

by eihrul on 04/13/2011 07:28, refers to #3


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#5: Re: ..

by tman elite on 05/07/2011 04:34, refers to #2

Interesting... do they have an English version?

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#6: ..

by Destructor on 05/09/2011 13:58


- Free
- Closed sources
- French :(

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#7: Re: ..

by eihrul on 05/10/2011 16:42, refers to #6

Not to mention quasi-illegal donation button. They are using repackaged non-commercial Sauer content, but yet collecting donations for it. That's not really permissible, given the NC licensing.

Though same problem with KillSkill, but they were more blatantly profiting from it explicitly.

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#8: Re: ..

by eihrul on 05/10/2011 16:53, refers to #7

It should also be noticed this is why no donation button graces the Sauer/Cube sites: out of professional fairness for all our artistic sources (some of which I commissioned out of my own money at significant cost) who desired to supply their media only for non-commercial use.

It would be unethical to collect donations without having negotiated with each of these sources as to their due share of any proceeds, if they would even allow such. That is basically completely unfeasible by now, so collecting donations for a project incorporating any of this NC content is just wrong.

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#9: ..

by abs1nth on 05/10/2011 21:15


>>- Closed sources

>They are using repackaged non-commercial Sauer content
>, but yet collecting donations for it.

just report their violation to sourceforge, hosting closed source content there isn't allowed.

but dont be too loud since the same applies to sauerbraten too (media files not all opensource) and storing media files in their SVN is forbidden too.

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#10: Re: ..

by eihrul on 05/11/2011 03:34, refers to #9

That would be rather petty. I am not really in the business of shutting projects down. I would just rather they merely corrected the issue out of respect.

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#11: ..

by .sCaSd. on 05/16/2011 03:43

Eisenstern RPG, free, singleplayer only:
Sourceforge project page with download link of development snapshot:
There is activity at sourceforge project page but I dont know if this
project is dead. The last beta release was in 2008.

I am still looking for the advertisement driven Sauerbraten modification, but I cant
find it at the forums again. Someone has the name in mind ?

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#12: ..

by darkhog on 10/26/2011 15:17

I know this is old, but Marble arena (marble madness-style game) is also made with Cube. I am unsure if it is first one or C2 though.

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#13: ..

by darkhog on 10/27/2011 06:52

Can you suggest me good non-fps cube games? Except those which were mentioned here

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