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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

sauercube UNFAIR & STUPID

by F* SAUERCUBE on 01/05/2011 17:18, 0 messages, last message: 01/05/2011 17:18, 1205 views, last view: 05/04/2024 22:53, closed on 01/05/2011 20:41

Its horrible to die between 5 people of your own team because they are just loading and don't want to spent ammunition.
Its horrible to be ignored when reporting cheaters and teamkillers,specially when they are on your team, specially when they ban you for a miss-shot.
Its horrible to get killed because your teammate defends HIS BASE waterproof with granates and rockets.

I will promise you on the holiest that I will end this shit even if I have to ...

Destroy sauerbraten like it tries to destroy social gaming !

Tell it everyone.

sauerbraten attracks losers who are to afraid to lose and even with cheats they lose, LOL.

I don't like sauercraut & I don't like sauerbraten.
Never made I game that is intended to amuse make me so angry.
Why does sauercube attracks more losers than the average multi-player game ?
This is a serious question after observing & playing for several months.

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