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Adding bases to each map in the relase?

by Drekow on 12/16/2010 20:53, 11 messages, last message: 04/05/2011 21:58, 1354 views, last view: 03/30/2024 14:17

What do you thing about putting bases in each map of the relase?

So the big (and never played) deathmatch map can have a second chance for capture modes (giving that mode a bigger range of map which is always welcome).

The small duel map can have one or two bases to allow playing 2vs2 hold, or for fan of the mode, an hold duel.

I think we have nothing to loose at doing this...

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#1: forming dm maps to capture maps...

by suicizer01 on 12/16/2010 21:26

A very bad idea, since those big deathmatch maps aren\'t designed for a mode like capture.

At capture, you need bases wich form a chain inside the map (like you can see very well at monastery).

Because most big deathmatch maps are pretty open (like curvedm), those chains get broken when you are able to run accros every base.

I hope you get it now...

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#2: ..

by Drekow on 12/19/2010 13:35

First of all: not all bases in capture maps form a "chain" or a "so strong chain", take a looks a fc3...
...some maps are more linear than a chain like face capture, some others are open and from one base you can go to almost all others.

Second: this maps does not have to stay in the menus of capture, does not have to be consider a valid pick in tournaments.
They are an extra, basically to play hold modes and - for who wants - capture.

I don't wants to talk about a particular map, but seems I have to do... so:

curvedm: you can add 4 bases (i will not bet on the five) that don't face each others and I think you will have a better gameplay, this way than in fc3.
Hold game looks awesome in curvedm :D

Adding bases is not curvedm (witch is a "strong" map) that lost something nor capture mode, but maybe maps like killfactory, katrez_d, thetowers, can have a second chance to be played... in capture or hold.

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#3: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 12/20/2010 07:04, refers to #2

fc3 has a base-chain, since you can run from machinegunbase to shotgunbase to rocketbase and yet again to the machinegun base...

face-capture has a different set up in capture, there are like 3 chains in the map, even tough it's very open...

It won't change anything to the fact that those maps aren't designed for capture neither for hold.
Maybe some maps like killfactory could have bases but katrez_d, come on man, it's flow is outdated for sauerbraten...

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#4: yes

by tanofpeace on 03/20/2011 15:39


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#5: Meh

by tman elite on 03/25/2011 21:52

I agree that a lot of maps aren't set up for capture and wouldn't work that well.

Then again, maybe some of them turn out to be really fun. Like he said, it can't possibly hurt. If it does suck people just won't play capture on that level. No harm done. So if someone wants to do this I support it.

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#6: ..

by mI@school on 03/25/2011 22:14

Killfactory, thetowers, moonlite, ruby and roughinery (maybe) are old maps that would probably work for capture/regen. I agree, it would be nice to breathe new life into some of them.

Also, injustice looks like it could work.

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#7: Re-think capture maps

by Zorg on 03/28/2011 13:53

I agree that it would be a good idea to at least think about some of the older maps concerning a potential usage as capture maps. But if one would do such thinking, please:

Also look at it the other way! There are some maps with capture bases which
a) nobody ever plays in capture mode, because
b) they just do not work in capture mode
Example: tejen (great iCTF map, but definitelly no capture map - neither regen nor classic).

Sauerbraten has enough maps that it is no longer necessary that a map has to be playable in as many modes as possible.

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#8: Re: Re-think capture maps

by suicizer01 on 03/28/2011 23:45, refers to #7

It's maybe not necassary, but it shouldn't be bad if it would.

When a map is strong at several modes, it gets way more played.

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#9: Re: Re-think capture maps

by Zorg on 03/30/2011 14:05, refers to #8

"When a map is strong at several modes", exactly. But we should not try to make any map playable in as many modes as possible just in order to get it played more.

If a map is great for a mode, it should be there. If it is just playable (like as I mentioned e.g. tejen in capture) it is no good idea to include it in the in-game menu in that mode. Because not only the map but the whole mode will suffer from such a mediocre mode/map combination.

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#10: Re: Re-think capture maps

by suicizer01 on 03/31/2011 10:23, refers to #9

Very true.
Maps wich truly suck in other modes (like tejen) shouldn't be included in the ingame menu of sauerbraten.

But after all we can only "suggest" or "advice" things, since it's up to the developers if they deal with it or not.
We don't got anything to decide about anyways :P.

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#11: ..

by tman elite on 04/05/2011 21:58

Sure, it shouldn't be in the in-game menu. But if someone wants to play capture on an arena map on a private server or a bot match or whatever, who says we shouldn't allow it? If someone takes the time to put bases in all the maps, I fully support including it in the release, even if it's not in the menu.

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