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Mod Content

by geartrooper2 on 11/16/2010 05:16, 19 messages, last message: 02/09/2011 19:12, 4473 views, last view: 05/04/2024 22:23

Fixit received a minor upgrade. Remove the /fixit folder before unzipping into Sauerbraten. The content is too big for quadropolis.



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#1: ..

by Julius on 11/16/2010 10:37

What kind of Frankenstein have you created?

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#2: ..

by Calinou__ on 11/16/2010 13:41

Why ? The old fixit was much better.

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#3: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/16/2010 17:26

funny as mod, but please do me a favor and don\'t let it be an official model...

Wouldn\'t mind to have old ironsnout back tough ^!

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#4: ..

by Calinou__ on 11/16/2010 18:11

Yes, the old fixit is good too.
Idea : include both, the Fixit and the Snouxit ;)

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#5: Re: ..

by geartrooper2 on 11/16/2010 20:18, refers to #4

This is just a mod in fun. Like it or lump it, someone will find it amusing to use. There are no plans to my knowledge of replacing any existing character.

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#6: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/16/2010 21:00


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#7: science

by Calinou__ on 11/17/2010 12:15

Science has done great things ;)

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#8: Re: science

by masterchief on 12/02/2010 15:12, refers to #7

hey do yall now how to mod the hudguns i type the code in but now i dont have any guns in veiw??

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#9: ..

by Calinou__ on 12/02/2010 17:11

Learn to install it. -.-

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#10: disappeared gun

by ramorite on 12/06/2010 01:32

I downloaded the solaris hudgun thing and installed it and everything, but when I typed /hudgunsdir \'name\' it the guns disappeared. I restarded the game, I even redownloaded the game but nothing works! please help!

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#11: ..

by Nixot on 12/06/2010 23:59

It's Mr. Fixit in an Ironsnout suit... he just removed his helmet.

Does anyone else see Ironsnout as a man in a cool suit, and not a robot? It can't be just me, surely?

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#12: Re: ..

by Robbytheju on 12/17/2010 05:28, refers to #11

Lol yeah, it's like a turtle in a shell, not just a shell with legs...lol

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#14: how to use the mod

by [escort] on 01/30/2011 03:56

hi i\'m using macosx for sauerbraten how to use the mod

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#15: Re: how to use the mod

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 01/30/2011 05:39, refers to #14

before asking a question like that, look for the main sauer folder (a file-folder named "sauerbraten"). once you find the main sauer folder, your 1/100000000th the way there.

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#16: Suboctrees

by aiueo on 02/08/2011 20:42

The idea is to create suboctrees inside the original octree and be able to work inside them and rotate/scale them. In practice it gives ability of creating, for example, streets which stand alongside curve river.
Is it possible to implement this feature into the current sauerbraten code?
inb4 read sources

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#17: ..

by suicizer01 on 02/09/2011 01:05

make an obj-file of a river and a street. make the street noclipped (i think it was 3th or 4th slot of mapmodel entity) but make sure there is some geometry wich is similair to in under the street, so the street acts only as a kind of "skin" while you still get the feeling your walking on a street, not trough one.
Now put both models (the street and the river) on the desired position and voila! your done...

why should you need something like your asking?

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#18: Re: Suboctrees

by SheeEttin on 02/09/2011 05:55, refers to #16

Uh... I have no idea what you're talking about. Trees are by nature recursive. You can already subdivide cubes.

Also: Please to not hijack topics. Create a new one (or, better yet, just use the general thread).

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#19: Re: Suboctrees

by aiueo on 02/09/2011 18:40, refers to #18

Trees are recursive, but I have meant other: map has multiple different recursuve octrees that have no connection to each other instead of one.

Let it be "subtopic". This is a thread aboud mod content, anyway.

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#20: Re: Suboctrees

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 02/09/2011 19:12, refers to #19

First, no, this is a topic about content geartrooper msde, not a topic about all mod content (look above to confirm), so there are no sub-topics on this.

Secondly, no one understands what you are saying since it sounds like it has already been done before, the octree is sub-dividable already (hence the reason you can use bigger or smaller cubes to make things) and as far as fixing it to where people don't have useless sub-division, the /remip command will take care of that.

Thirdly, you are trying to change topic, and i would advise you do what SheeEttin says, because he has been here long enough to know what he means, and knows how to say it, i suggest you learn that ability. (this also meaning, learn to speak in a slightly more intelligent manner so that you may explain to us in better less dumb sounding detail what you meant)

and one more thing, if you are saying something that you cannot make (e.g. you are wanting a mod to be done, and your wondering if someone could make it for you) drop that idea.

to put it simple, until you can explain in more and better detail, no one here will understand why you keep ranting about something that sounds like it has already been done, people will look at you as a noob, and you will come back two, maybe three years and try to prove yourself again (as i once did). and for the time being, if you have any question about the octree, be sure to check octree.cpp so you may be able to understand how to explain what you are saying to us in a much better way...

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