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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

cube server, ports?

by squeese on 10/16/2003 14:49, 6 messages, last message: 12/24/2003 22:26, 1084 views, last view: 03/31/2024 19:06

I was wondering if its possible to start several dedicated servers on a single machine? Define different ports on each etc.

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#1: ..

by pushplay on 10/16/2003 22:43


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#2: what port?

by scottjl on 11/02/2003 19:32

what port(s) does the server need open in a firewall?


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#3: nevermind..

by scottjl on 11/02/2003 19:36

found it.. 28765 28766.. had to search the forums. couldn't find it in the docs. definately needs to be clearly defined!

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#4: XP Firewall

by LethZoid on 11/17/2003 04:43

If ur on WinXP, and u use the built in firewall, and want to host a server...

What you do is make a new thing..., Label it Cube... host name is

External and Internal Ports should be set to: 28766, and it's a UDP Packet.

Enjoy! :)

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#5: bandwidth

by jimbo on 12/24/2003 17:09

on a related topic,
How much bandwidth will a cube server use?
and is it possible to limit this,
and still have a halfway decent

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#6: Re: bandwidth

by eihrul on 12/24/2003 22:26, refers to #5

The -u flag for the dedicated server bins will let you specify upstream (outgoing) bandwidth in bytes, and the network throttle will cap stuff to try and keep the sent data at or below this level overall.

The server will basically scale its bandwidth usage as N*(N-1), where N is the number of clients. Downstream is just linear and currently there is no option to limit that since it's only a very small effect.

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