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New Wepons For Cube

by Mr_Sploosh on 09/29/2003 15:06, 44 messages, last message: 11/30/2008 03:31, 48031 views, last view: 07/27/2024 01:26

Is there a way you could make a mod for cube that adds new wepons? Please tell me how or send me a link to a page that shows how.

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#25: Message censored by administrator

by KrisInBox on 07/14/2006 20:24

#26: How many triangles

by cube rules on 07/17/2006 18:38

Does anyone know the limit (if there is one) for home many triangles/polygons one can use for modeling weapons?

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#27: ..

by makkE on 07/17/2006 19:45

Around 1000.
Gl is about 1000 including hands (unoptimized), will probably end up at 800 or so. The older guns are about 300..

Cube: You can go up around 1000 as well, just if you got enough detail to reach 1000, md2 will probably ruin it. MD2 wasn´t made for complex models. For cube i´d say 500 (also makes sure older cards won´t get slowdowns).

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#28: Thanks

by cube rules on 07/18/2006 02:34

Thank you makke

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#29: Message censored by administrator

by Freesreeter on 08/03/2006 16:28

#30: Message censored by administrator

by ebookinfo on 08/29/2006 20:34

#31: More Weapons and Enemies and Upgrades oh my!!

by Blizaine on 09/04/2006 22:28

Cube definitely isn't about realism that's for sure. However, having more weapons and enemies wouldn't be a bad thing, it would spice up the combat and make things more enjoyable for everyone. I would like to sometimes start with a submachine gun as my default weapon, just having it in the game would add strategy. It would have more ammo and there would be more of them on a map, but would do less damage as well as have less kick. You could add a plasma gun, secondary weapons (grenades, mines (easy and fast to place), mini turrets, swords, shield generator(to block incoming shots), enemy spawner thing (great for distractions and some damage)), needler type weapon (homing shots), etc...

The same goes for enemies. Certainly you can use the same enemies constantly but it can be boring to shoot the same enemies over, and over, and OVER again. Just a few more would be better.

How about some more upgrades for multiplayer? You could collect these temporary upgrades: Double Damage, Triple Damage, Temp Invincibility, Invisibility, Inf Ammo, Reflect, High Jump, Richocheting Shots... etc...

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#32: Re: More Weapons and Enemies and Upgrades oh my!!

by shadow,516 on 09/04/2006 23:41, refers to #31

>>More Weapons and Enemies and Upgrades oh my!!

Confucious says: Oh no, not again...

>>having more weapons and enemies wouldn't be a bad thing...You could add a plasma gun, secondary weapons (grenades, mines (easy and fast to place), mini turrets, swords, shield generator(to block incoming shots), enemy spawner thing (great for distractions and some damage)), needler type weapon (homing shots), etc...

Confucious says: no

>>The same goes for enemies. Certainly you can use the same enemies constantly but it can be boring to shoot the same enemies over, and over, and OVER again. Just a few more would be better.

Confucious says: sure, make some and then we'll talk about it

>>How about some more upgrades for multiplayer? You could collect these temporary upgrades: Double Damage, Triple Damage....

Confucious says: wtf are you smoking? haven't you ever heard of the Quad?

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#33: Re: More Weapons and Enemies and Upgrades oh my!!

by Blizaine on 09/04/2006 23:53, refers to #32

"having more weapons and enemies wouldn't be a bad thing...You could add a plasma gun, secondary weapons (grenades, mines (easy and fast to place), mini turrets, swords, shield generator(to block incoming shots), enemy spawner thing (great for distractions and some damage)), needler type weapon (homing shots), etc..."

"Confucious says: no"

Why not? You don't NEED them, but it's like added seasonings, it makes the game more dynamic and varied.

"The same goes for enemies. Certainly you can use the same enemies constantly but it can be boring to shoot the same enemies over, and over, and OVER again. Just a few more would be better."

"Confucious says: sure, make some and then we'll talk about it"

I'm not saying it's easy, only a suggestion.

"How about some more upgrades for multiplayer? You could collect these temporary upgrades: Double Damage, Triple Damage...."

"Confucious says: wtf are you smoking? haven't you ever heard of the Quad?"

Wow, ONE upgrade (excluding health and armor).

Yes the game has everything NECESSARY to be fun, and it is. However, these are the kinds of things that just make the game more fun, and make multiplayer maps more interesting to design and balance (as long as the items are already balanced).

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#34: ..

by makkE on 09/05/2006 00:20


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#35: ..

by Passa on 09/05/2006 07:33

Huh? Why would makkE censor his own post?

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#36: ..

by m3ep on 09/05/2006 15:35

Im just wondering why some people dont
get that Cube/Sauer isn't Counterstrike.

As long as you make a Couterstrike-mod
for Sauer its ok. But dont talk about
getting this in the original game.

Well I think the first thing to start
with is reading the docs.

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#37: Re: "Sauer-strike"

by shadow,516 on 09/07/2006 04:34, refers to #37

it does... you just change the protocol number, and voila. Im not sure wtf you would want to make sauer-strike though...

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#38: Re: "Sauer-strike"

by ethan592 on 09/07/2006 06:58, refers to #37

shadow - shhhhh..... dont say that.
if a mod is ever really popular the creator can make its own masterserver or just put the usually online servers directly into the menu. problem solved. keep mods seperate from sauer.

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#39: ..

by Koopaboy on 09/07/2006 15:49

I think that Sauer is missing a boss enemy.If I compare Sauer with Doom,Bauul is something like Hell knight.I would like to see a enemy that\'s like Cybredemon,powerfull and has a lot of HP (I think Cyberdemon has 4000hp)

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#40: ..

by m3ep on 09/07/2006 16:51

As long as it stays a Mod I'd go for it :D

That would actually a very cool addition
to Sauer. At least somewhat more interresting
than this carrot :>

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#41: Alt weapons??

by freakmean16 on 08/10/2008 18:24

Hey people, hi there, well I'm quite a noob in Sauer and i've been lookin a lot of video tuts in Youtube about mapping, and there appears they are holdin different weapons from the default ones, so how can I change the skins of the weapons in Sauer.


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#42: Re: Alt weapons??

by mrpiddly_000002 on 08/10/2008 18:59, refers to #41

Those weapons in the video are probably the old ones since there are not many recent videos on mapping.

They may also be the solaris weapon set which can be found here: http://quadropolis.us/node/1082

Additional replacement weapons can be found on Quadropolis:

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#43: How to modify weapons?

by fugudude on 11/30/2008 02:19

How do I modify weapons? On the static wiki or w/e it said that I had to change the weapons.cpp file but I don't see it... it's on sauerbraten.com so I assume it's for sauer, but it may be for cube (idk which one, just not sauer)

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#44: Re: How to modify weapons?

by tentus_ on 11/30/2008 03:31, refers to #43

You have to modify weapon.h file in the src/fpsgame/ directory, and then compile using whatever compiler you are most familiar with, or Code::Blocks if you can.

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