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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Blender model clipping

by Zerlex on 07/30/2010 09:22, 3 messages, last message: 07/30/2010 21:19, 1097 views, last view: 04/19/2024 22:15

I'm fairly new to this so don't flame me. Ok so the problem I am getting is objects clipping in my model. Here's an image of what I mean. Why does this not look the same as in blender?



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#1: ..

by Julius on 07/30/2010 12:55

You mean that the tip of the side railing z-fights with the shelf-board?

Blender does more precise depth ordering I think, and that wouldn't make sense in a game engine that has to be as fast as possible.

However your problem could have been easily avoided if you would have build a more sane mesh.
With out seeing the wireframe I assume that the board and the railing are to seperate objects more or less overlapping, right? Also it's a complete wast of polygons to model such a delicately shaped railing in an L shape.

What I would do to model something lie that is to take a single quad, or if you really want the L shape, two and apply an alpha transparent texture to it. this way you can have easily a two sided surface and get the benefit of having the holes in the railing actually see through, instead of just black. Don't use double sided polygons, those usually make trouble.

The just offset the railing a bit so you get rid of the z-fighting (but with an alpha'ed texture it should also have more precise z-buffering I think).

Ahh... it could also be the model format btw. md2 for example does not store the position of the vertexes very precisely, not sure about md3 :-/

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#2: ..

by Fischkopf on 07/30/2010 15:22

its not very complex you could build it with cubes. mapmodels are better for detailed precisely textured things.

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#3: ..

by Blarget2 on 07/30/2010 21:19

hey, you did better then me, i can even get my models in game :/

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