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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Another idea : World particle text

by Calinou_ on 05/19/2010 11:21, 2 messages, last message: 05/19/2010 13:37, 779 views, last view: 04/25/2024 15:50, closed on 05/19/2010 15:56

Hi again,

I'm just asking if is it possible to include world particle text (like the text on the player's head), but with a particle entity.

The command to create should be (if possible, too) :
/newent particles 13 "Text" SIZE 0xcolor (-)cutoff

"Text" is the text to draw, with quotes (lol)
SIZE is the text size. 100 = player's name text size
0xcolor is an hexadecimal code, eg. 0xf00 for red.
cutoff is the max distance which you can see the text. /!\ When there's a negative number, cutoff is smooth. (possible too ?)

Programming side :
I think it's not so hard to do. But i'm not a programmer :/

If it's possible, why not include it in the next release ?


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#1: ..

by Razgriz on 05/19/2010 11:53

text particles? i like the idea, but i just thought of more parameters than one can have in a single particle, about 10 maybe lol

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#2: Sandbox

by Calinou_ on 05/19/2010 13:37

PAS actually supports this particle type. We may \"copy-paste\" with some differences (sry for bad english)

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