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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Noclip on Cube 2 -- Patch Created. Should it be a feature?

by Really? on 03/28/2010 08:47, 2 messages, last message: 05/13/2010 09:48, 1389 views, last view: 04/21/2024 01:42

I have created a patch on top of the Cube 2 engine which allows a user to use the /noclip command to turn off gravity and collision detection. Shooting, item interaction and general game play are still possible.

Now I know I would be very interested in a server option which allows all players to noclip; it would really spice the game up a lot, adding whole new dimensions to the game play.

Does anyone else agree? If people would like, I can release the patch online, but I think core integration would be a much better option.

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#1: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/28/2010 09:21

Your odds of getting anything other than a map into a Cube 2 release are pretty slim, unless it's really amazing and conform to eihrul's ideal of "good code".

Regardless, the guideline is that servers that change gameplay are not to use the official masterserver. It would have to be official code.

(And in any case, I'm sure it's trivial. You can expose gravity by just adding
VAR(GRAVITY, -1000, 200, 1000);
to src/engine/physics.cpp (and commenting out the old line (extern const float GRAVITY = 200.0f;). Non-edit noclip shouldn't be any harder.)

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#3: ..

by Fischkopf on 05/13/2010 09:48

afaik only 2 people (eihrul, quin) work on the cube 2 code. they just don't let other people change the code.

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