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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

CUBE 3: What do you want to see in the next Cube?

by Istancow on 01/24/2010 19:29, 3 messages, last message: 01/24/2010 22:14, 1263 views, last view: 05/01/2024 00:22, closed on 01/25/2010 01:03

What Improvements/Changes would You like to see in the next Cube?
I want more tactical, sandbox style gameplay, with a slower pace, less bunnyhopping,and a kit/class/weapon select system.
I also think scopes and ironsights would be very cool.
And I mean Ironsights that actually improve accuracy, rather than just let you look down them.

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#1: ..

by Matt Bierner on 01/24/2010 20:16

Seems more like a mod, not a new engine.

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#2: ..

by baby~rabbit on 01/24/2010 21:58

slower, no bouncy, autoaim - oh, you mean easier :P


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#3: ..

by Nixot on 01/24/2010 22:14

There's not going to be a cube 3. Unless you want to make it, of course. You must remember that Cube 2 isn't about slow tacticality, because that's boring. If you want those kind of features, play Assault Cube.

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