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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Sauerbraten to include a anti-cheat system

by graphitemaster on 12/09/2009 17:59, 0 messages, last message: 12/09/2009 17:59, 804 views, last view: 04/30/2024 01:07, closed on 12/09/2009 18:04

Over many years of playing sauerbraten from well since the development version when I played cube, I noticed a huge increasing number of cheaters. Is it to much to add an anti-cheat system, I alone am working on my own cube 2 mod and have worked really close to incorporate a system to find and eradicate cheaters. Sauer fails to do this for reasons beyond my knowledge. A side from the fact that 30 percent of sauer players cheat in some way, I propose this petition to add some type of system to find and eliminate these cheaters once and for all!

To be part of this petition state your opinion followed by "ARGREE" at the end of your post thank you for acknowledging this post and lets hope it serves a purpose for the fellow legit players who find themselves kicking cheaters rather then playing the actual game.

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