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Using/changing Bots to make better SP AI?

by Mister Hyde on 10/28/2009 02:49, 6 messages, last message: 10/29/2009 03:20, 1042 views, last view: 04/10/2024 15:05

Last thread got closed due to me and another user getting into an argument. I'll ignore dumb comments this time. I should have known better then to feed a troll and apologize.


<Insert boring bibliography here>

Would creating the following be too difficult or possible for another release?

We could use the current Bot setup to create new fluent AI for singleplayer games. Giving the bots 5 states, they could also seem realistic.
Crouching & Walking would be a definite plus for both AI and players.

Using custom AI nodes with the name of the bot(s) as a flag(s), they could even do patrolling and such.

Bot states:
1: Unaware. Follows default patrol path.
2: Aware. Looking for player, cannot see player. Strays off of default patrol path following
(Battle states, randomized maybe?)
3: Tanker. Runs toward the player shooting or swinging.
4: Default. Finds cover (Set by nodes), crouches behind it and stands up to shoot from cover.
5: Scared: Runs as far away as it can and hides behind cover, shooting inaccurately and quickly.

There would be a few new entities and a material. Simple as that. They could be similar to:
/Aistart [Name Of Special Bot, 0 to create the base bot] [# of bots to spawn] [Trigger to spawn, 0 to spawn upon loading] [Spawned state 1-5]
"/Aistart Roofpatrol1 1 trigger5 4"

/Newent AInode [Type] [Botnames seperated by +]
Type could be a number that tells the bot what to do at that node. E.G Continue to the next node, continue to a random node, This is cover so crouch, Run to the next node, crouch to the next node, etc.
"/Newent AINode 4 Roofpatrol1+Roofpatrol2+Sniper5"

A command that puts a bot name into the map's data ready to be spawned:
/NewBot [Name] [Follow AI nodes if 1, walk the entire map if 2][Model] [Starting weapon] [Can it pick up new weapons?] [Skill] [Player sighted range]
"/NewBot roofpatrol1 1 Ogro 4 0 3 250"

A material that clips only for bots but allowing the player to go through. Perhaps named PlayerClip?

So, would all this be humanly possible or am I daydreaming too far?

I would do it myself, but my C++ skills are almost good enough to create Hello World.""

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#1: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/28/2009 17:31

The ideas may be sound, but asking someone else to do it for you is like me asking you to wash my underwear. The people capable of achieving these feats are far too busy working on their own ideas.

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#2: ..

by Mister Hyde on 10/28/2009 18:34

You're right. If I want this done I should do it myself. However, I do not have the knowledge required.

I guess I'll rob the source and ask questions as I go.

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#3: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/28/2009 20:42, refers to #2

That's what most of us do. Approaching people is usually a last resort. (We have docs & open source for a reason.)

geartrooper: I'm not sure I want to know why washing your underwear is classified as a "feat".

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#4: ..

by Quin on 10/29/2009 00:42

I wrote the AI, and have already made my intentions about it clear in the past with regards to SP. When I finally do look for input, I'll ask the community. Threads like this, with a heaping of random ideas, aren't useful. I think we all know how AI should "behave".


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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/29/2009 00:43, refers to #4

By the way, this is why your previous thread was closed, not because of the flamewar.

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#6: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 10/29/2009 03:20, refers to #3

Clearly you have not played enough D&D. Underwear feats are brokenly good.


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