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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Server Browser

by tentus_ on 09/27/2009 15:52, 10 messages, last message: 09/28/2009 04:03, 1982 views, last view: 05/01/2024 12:01

I was talking to some fellows from my local LAN event and they were pretty excited about Sauer, but they had one big complaint: the server browser. Namely, they were not fans of how you can't sort by the different columns, or perhaps only show servers on the LAN.

Thoughts? I couldn't think of a way to rectify this without recompiling for them, but it *feels* like something we could move over into cubescript.

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#1: Improvement Needed

by MeatROme on 09/27/2009 17:30

I agree with the people from your LAN-event! The sauerbraten serverbrowser is extremely rudimentary; it can definitely do with some additional features and a general "face-lift"!
AssaultCube - http://assault.cubers.net/ - already has many improvements such as sorting, tagging (good, bad, favourite, ..) and includes features like showing the names of players online or searching across the entire list for a nickname.
A lot of this requires changes in the protocol (especially the extended-ping).
I can't see how CubeScript would be better suited for the core functionalities (retrieval, sorting, etc.) but naturally some variables/toggles and functions should be exposed to CubeScript - like (for instance) a name-search function or similar.

Oh. My favourite math-problem: 6x7

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#2: My thoughts

by fispaul on 09/27/2009 17:35

To be honest its not that hard to find your favorite server because there are not that many in the first place. If you want your private, empty one, it may be a bit annooying to find the right page, but it still takes 3 seconds.

I think Sauerbraten would only need to be able to sort servers different ways when there are more, and then maybe also instead of having pages and tabs have one big thing you can scroll down.

Although not necessary yet, sorting would be nice I guess. Every other game has that.

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#3: Re: Improvement Needed

by Hirato Kirata on 09/27/2009 17:38, refers to #1

not to burst your bubble, but extinfo does allow trace parts of what you're describing, though only CSL actually uses this functionality


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#4: Re: Improvement Needed

by MeatROme on 09/27/2009 19:23, refers to #3

I know, so you're not "bursting my bubble".
AC has further enhancements - seperate/beyond sauerbraten - using extinfo - I thought I'd made it clear that it wouldn't be a totally new thing, just enhancing the given.

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#5: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 09/27/2009 19:50

I\'d personally go for a click to select server, then click a different button to connect to the server, like in Halo PC.

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#6: ..

by Redon on 09/27/2009 22:29

I think it would be really nice to have a new server browser, its functions make sauer look old compared to all the other new stuff it has.

The thing that bothers me the most about it, something really annoying, is that it keeps updating the order of the servers in the list. It's very confusing and it happens a lot that you end up clicking on the wrong server because something just changed.

About the cubescript thing:
In my opinion, something that makes sauer interesting is the ability to script almost anything to change settings, so the more possibilities there are in cubescript, the better it is. It would be great if it was possible to extract certain informations out of the serverlist with cubescript.

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#7: idk...

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 09/28/2009 03:27

i don't know, it seems fine to me, and i did go on assaultcube, and their server list was awful... i wouldn't wan this to change too much 'cause i want to be able to read what it says. on AC the servers were so small i had to squint... and i had a few missfires when i clicked on the server i wanted, i accedently hit a diffrent server... lets try actually thinking about this for a few minuits, shall we?

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#8: Re: idk...

by tentus_ on 09/28/2009 03:35, refers to #7

We have thought about it, hence the discussion. I'm not asking for any *visual* change, I'd just like to be able to click the column headings to sort by them, and possibly another button or tab in the empty space already available.

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#9: Re: idk...

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 09/28/2009 03:44, refers to #8

ah. why, is it nesasery to show the ip numbers? and the port?

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#10: Re: idk...

by Quin on 09/28/2009 04:03, refers to #8

Blood Frontier already contains the sorting functionality (and has since the days of SauerMod). You may want to have a look there for code examples.


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