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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Compass wrapped around radar - Doesn't work

by thojoh370 on 09/01/2009 21:50, 2 messages, last message: 09/02/2009 07:56, 1173 views, last view: 04/19/2024 16:01

I'm very sorry if this isn't the place to ask, and I know I have been a ... let's just say annoyance for most of you when I ask things and post crappy maps and stuff. I know that. But here goes.

I've tried to modify the code to have a compass be wrapped around the radar in Sauerbraten, just like in AssaultCube. I thought I had the code to do it - even after double-checking with the AC source code - but it doesn't align to my yaw. Instead it just sits there on top of the radar.

-- Here is what I have done --
In capture.h, in the "drawhud" void just underneath glEnd (after rendering the radar texture itself):

glRotatef(-camera1->yaw, 0, 0, 1);
drawradar(float(x), float(y), float(s));

Any problem here? Almost every OpenGL tutorial I find say the same thing - that I should use this method. Unless I am very mistaken.

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#1: Hardline

by Quin on 09/02/2009 02:03

Modifying and editing the source is done at your own risk, we don't teach people how to code; you are given the tools, and it is up to you to figure out how to use them (with or without the Cube Engine being involved).

I can tell you one thing for sure, you need to learn some Geometry AND OpenGL before messing with something a little more advanced like that. Googleit.

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#2: Re: Hardline

by thojoh370 on 09/02/2009 07:56, refers to #1

Oh. Well thanks anyway.
(Something tells me I've been given that reply once before...)

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