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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Do you think Cube could be ported to the GP2X Wiz?

by Nixot on 08/29/2009 21:15, 2 messages, last message: 08/31/2009 22:08, 1293 views, last view: 04/30/2024 04:16

I've heard of iPod Touch Cube, and was wondering - since the GP2X Wiz and the iPod Touch both have ARM processors, do you think it would be possible to have GP2X Wiz Cube? I have seen several ports of OpenGL and SDL games, including SuperTux and Quake, and think that it would be nigh-on impossible to port Sauerbraten because of all the graphical enhancement shaders and normal maps and thingymabobs, but since Cube has already been ported to the iPhone, do you think it would be feasible / doable to port Cube to the GP2X Wiz?

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#1: ..

by rknigh21 on 08/31/2009 18:42

Yeti3d is based on the cube algorithms and has a basic ported to the gp2x have a look at


It looks much better on the gp2x than the image. It would need some work to turn it into a full game.

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#2: Wow!

by Nixot on 08/31/2009 22:08

Just tried it out - and I must say, it looks extremely impressive! However, it doesn't look as featureful as the GBA edition. The framerate is amazingly smooth - judging by the fact that my Eee PC runs Quake at ~50 fps, and Cube at ~25 fps, I would dread to see what Cube would have done to my Wiz - but this is amazing! Once I figure out how to build for the Wiz with VC++, I'm gonna have a go at porting some stuff from Cube. Thanks a lot!

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