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Random Ideas

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/27/2009 22:46, 32 messages, last message: 09/20/2009 22:00, 8007 views, last view: 05/18/2024 16:43, closed on 09/21/2009 06:18

I was thinking about things in Halo, and thought about a couple that might be easy to implement. I WILL NOT SAY VEHICLES. Just wanted to get that cleared up. I have no idea of how to code or anything, but please leave feedback.

1. A ball. literally. It is a ball like the soccer ball in Halo 3. You can shoot it or run into it, and it will roll. It would need to be invincible, and if lightmaps would be a problem, it wouldn't need to have a shadow. I thought that it would be cool to hit a ball with and RL and watch it fly, but never got around to posting it until now.

2. Explosive boxes for MP. Online, the barrels look like trees, and can't be set off without a weapon. I want super-powerful, one hit kill, explosives, that when bumped too hard or get shot, go boom. Like Fusion Coils. I imagine them as boxes/wooden crates with something on the side.

3. A new weapon, the same as the rifle, but with a scope.

Please leave any feedback or support, or any problems that there would be in scripting this. Also, any other ideas could be posted here, as long as it is not vehicles.

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#1: ..

by K1P57A on 08/28/2009 00:38

I'm currently high, so these ideas actually make sense :P

But I doubt that funmods are going to be implemented unless people do it themselves...

Bout the ball I guess it would have to be a round ragdoll with a colision modification.

As of what counts for explosions, vehicles, doors, etc forget it per multiplayer, its been discussed loots of times ;)

New weapon? I'd rather see some secondary functions on the weapons or some reloading time that makes the game just a liiitle bit more tactical ;)

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#2: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/28/2009 01:12

You could always just give the rifle a scope, making it a better sniper.

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#3: ..

by useoftoaster on 08/28/2009 03:12

I hope you know that you can already zoom in as far as you'd ever want with any of the weapons in the game. Thanks to cube's scripting capabilities, you can customize this to your heart's content... but if you don't want to then you can just bind togglezoom to MOUSE2 in your autoexec.cfg. Overlaying an image on the screen to make it look more like a scope just reduces your usable field of view.

The real problem with Cube 2 is that ideas are a dime a dozen, implementation, now that's a rare sight.

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#4: ..

by K1P57A on 08/28/2009 03:16

image overlays work? Probably not downscaling fullscreen semi transparent png's tho i guess ;)

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#5: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/28/2009 04:09

Haha, lost you at the overlay thing.

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#6: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/28/2009 04:49

Yeah, if you write something to draw an overlay.
I once tried to, but I could only make it draw the HUD icons. (I didn't try too long, though.)
Transparency in PNGs could work fine. Since the overlay code would have to be written, you could throw transparency in there too.

Actually, BF has a scope overlay. Why not look at their code?

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#7: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/28/2009 21:30

I have no idea as to what you're saying.

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#8: ..

by K1P57A on 08/28/2009 21:42

Hehe allright to explain:

To be able to overlay an image (for example a scope grafic) there's two things you'll need to take into concideration.

1. the image needs to have some transparent ares, eg. the center circle where you look through needs to be transparent, and the outside of the circle black (like a scope looks when u look throu it). The most commenly used image file for transparencys is .png

2. Every player plays SB on a different resolution. So you'll have to have a picture that automatically scales with the resolution of the different resolutions ;)

Hope that helped you

Cheers K1p57a

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#9: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/29/2009 01:36

Thanks, that did help a bit. Also, I forgot to say customizable armor colors in my first post.

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#10: Re: ..

by Stealth on 08/29/2009 02:34, refers to #9

You can change the armor colors by modifying the skin.jpg files in packages/models/armor/

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#11: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 08/29/2009 02:47

Really? Would I just open the files and change the colors with photoshop? But I meant more like an in-game menu, so everyone could have a different armor color.

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#12: Re: ..

by Stealth on 08/29/2009 03:49, refers to #11

Sorry, I wrote the wrong one, that's the pickup armor skin. The player one should be in a place like packages/models/snoutx10k/armor/ or whatever model you want.
Yes, you can just change them.

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#13: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 09/01/2009 00:06

Another ine: Flowing Water. You would highlight a patch of water, then type something like "/waterflow [direction]" and it would flow that way, like a river.

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#14: ..

by Fred187 on 09/01/2009 01:34

Self-shadowing, anyone?

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#15: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 09/01/2009 02:54


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#16: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 09/01/2009 04:39, refers to #6

SB has a "Hurt" overlay pic, just look for the scripting of it and change it for a cubescript that has an "on release" command so as soon as your done zooming, it'll go back to normal without the scope overlay...

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#17: ..

by K1P57A on 09/01/2009 12:14

Its a little more complex then that I think ;) A snipe grafic is round. Therefore the code would have to be that the image is:

- vertically scaled
- horizontally centred
- horizontally cropped left and right
- Make a graphic that's around 3000 pixels wide (so that even on massive resolution there will be no spaces left&right when cropped)
- This is more or less a must, otherwhise the graphic will be scaled to fit the screen and then on widescreens circles will look oval...

As of for the code you'd not only need a keybind, but also a wheapon bind. So that it will only appear on the rifle, and not on, lets say, the rocket launcher. You'd also need to add a line of code for the crosshair so that on the scope event it will have to be @ 0, and be restored to the users set crosshair size when unzoomed ;)

As you see, its a little more complicated than it seems ;)

Cheers, K1

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#18: ..

by Quin on 09/02/2009 01:55


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#19: ..

by K1P57A on 09/02/2009 07:16

hehe I love Quin's little "here's the code, go do it yourself" links ;)

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#20: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/02/2009 07:39, refers to #19

Well, how else would they learn? :P
I doubt anyone here learned their skills by being spoon-fed. :)

(In other news, my use of emoticons is apparently directly proportionate to lack of sleep.)

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