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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Gunshot effects

by Razgriz on 07/13/2009 10:57, 11 messages, last message: 07/21/2009 10:39, 1787 views, last view: 04/24/2024 03:08

When a gunshot hits the wall, or a rocket hits the wall, we see a decal for the bullet and a black explosion decal for the rocket. but what about more reality in this? i mean..

shoot the rocket to a wall, make some soft smoke coming out for a couple of seconds
shoot the rocket on the ground (dirt) and make some earth debris popping out and vanishing after a couple of seconds
shoot with a gun on the water and make water ripples at least
shoot a rocket at a pool's bottom and have some air bubbles coming out

these are some natural effects and yet more suggestions into adding reality to the game and more visuals to those who want them :)

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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 07/13/2009 12:06


knock yourself out
...specially with differentiating between metal and dirt
...and creating ripples or displacement on the water
...and making the bubble particles

good luck, you'll need it! :D

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#2: ..

by Razgriz on 07/13/2009 17:49

i didn't say i can make them, this was more likely of a suggestion >.>
i can't even do complex scripts xP

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#3: Sauerbraten Enhanced v4.2

by Q009 on 07/13/2009 18:37

It contains better particle effects and other things...


And video:


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#4: Bad link

by Q009 on 07/13/2009 18:40

Oops! Sorry for bad link...
Here's good one:


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#5: is this advert? :P

by Razgriz on 07/14/2009 12:18, refers to #4

is this an advertisement? :P
if you can make such things for your enhanced exe then i'll bow towards you and take my hat off :D (if i'll ever wear one >.>)

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#6: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/14/2009 16:05

You can probably reuse the rifle's particle trail code for bubbles.
And the explosion's debris gibs code for dirt.

Smoke, at least how I imagine it, is probably not gonna happen.
Ripples either... Unless maybe you can put a(n animated) decal on the water texture...?

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#7: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 07/17/2009 19:35, refers to #6

Q009 ws able to implement smoke particles for explosions and rocket fire following the rocket's trail :D

now i guess it is possible to make debris come out after an explosion, the hard would be to code it so it understands if the rocket hit metal or dirt or wood -.- so impossible to have multiple types.

ripples could be added though. i doubt if you would use a gif for them but as i've seen some games use a lot of high quality images in a row to create an animation, so something like this could be used. it could some height too as well but it would need to distort the water >.< (could we have a feature setting to have "waves" for the water? like a stormy sea or a peaceful lake :D) (and a particle of ripples would be really useful for those creating rainy maps and could allow for more amazing rain effects on SB)

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#8: Re: ..

by Q009 on 07/17/2009 21:18, refers to #7

rain effects are possibble
animated ecals not possible:
why? because it needs and .dll file with GIF support
multiply types of debris - possibble, i guess
i thing we could do a command written in CFG after each texture
something like this:

texture 0 "wood/wood.jpg"
texture n "wood/wood.jpg"
texture s "wood/wood.jpg"
mattex wood <- or dirt/or glass/ or something else

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#9: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/17/2009 21:54, refers to #8

Or you could just texture the debris gibs with the same texture as the surface it hit (assuming it's possible to look that up).
(Although it's really not all that important, except as eye candy...)

Also, animated textures are already possible... See http://cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=1451&start=0 and http://www.quadropolis.us/node/717 (right now Quadropolis is down or something, so try the Google cache: ).

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#10: ..

by baby~rabbit on 07/17/2009 21:55

But, but I aim at the enemy - not at walls/ground/water :P

All of these effects are possible, you just need a really convincing argument that it's worth doing, i.e. my above throw away joke isn't necessarily a joke...

btw did someone not experiment with different footstep sounds based on which texture you were standing on too?

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#11: footsteps

by Razgriz on 07/21/2009 10:39, refers to #10

that is a good idea but i think it counts as ambient, and ambient isn't heard that much. Its impossible to hear footsteps in a gunfight between many people xD

also e have the ironsnout model as well, and that one doesn't wear shoes..

Counter strike uses that and its fairly useful. Maybe an example can be taken from there for experimenting

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