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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Advanced binding and two-attack weapons

by Meigus on 07/08/2009 07:46, 2 messages, last message: 07/09/2009 01:25, 1545 views, last view: 04/30/2024 15:11

First, I have a trackball mouse with no wheel, is there be a way to customize the edit-bindings?

Second, how hard would it be to have weapons with two attacks, like unreal tournament (and of course other games)?

And just for a passing mention, could one make 'scripts' for modding, so someone could just hit a key, and a set of stairs could be created? Like you could pick height one over here, height two over there, and it would create a slope or blocky stairs inbetween?

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#1: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/08/2009 08:42

/bind pageup [universaldelta 1]
/bind pagedown [universaldelta -1]

2. Not especially hard if you know what you're going, but it's probably never gonna happen in the official game.

3. Currently, there is a very minimal ability to do this. You couldn't really do what you're thinking of without being able to define the selection via the console. (I believe there may be a patch to do this floating around.)

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#2: Re: ..

by Meigus on 07/09/2009 01:25, refers to #1

Thanks, the binding thing worked great.

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