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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

JCity project

by mx on 06/10/2009 00:39, 35 messages, last message: 11/14/2010 21:40, 6037 views, last view: 05/10/2024 21:39

Hi, there!
I have started making mixed-styled city map and creating a new thread here. I'm working on it for about a month and almost made a small part of it.
The target is to create large(st?), detailed and excellent-looking city in cube2 using intensive method - create a thing and detail it at the same moment (unlike extensive - create a lot of stuff first, then detail it - that many mappers use for creating large maps).
Here will be screenshots, changelogs and other stuff
2D screenshots:
1. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4605/screenshot1414955.png
2. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1846/screenshot1359236.png
3. http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/8145/screenshot1315063.png
4. http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/5042/screenshot1277295.png
5. http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/480/screenshot1261206.png
3D screenshots (cross your eyes to see 3D picture):
1. http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/3670/jcity3d1.png
2. http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1861/jcity3d2.png
3. http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/4830/jcity3d3.png

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#1: Go!

by tentus_ on 06/10/2009 03:45

Cool, good way to start your project (you know, by showing something already done). Best of luck with the detailing!

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#2: ..

by WakeField on 06/10/2009 04:33

Good job on the map so far, and those 3d images are nice! Makes me feel like I'm on the map! Also, what did you do to make them 3d?

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#3: Re: ..

by Quin on 06/10/2009 04:42, refers to #2

I'm wondering if they used Blood Frontier's stereoscopic "magic-eye" view method, heheh.

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#4: Message censored by administrator

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 06/10/2009 04:56, refers to #2

#5: ..

by NDK on 06/10/2009 07:24

I start my own game project and start make city too... But in my game my city will be corruped.

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#6: Re: ..

by Q009 on 06/10/2009 09:34, refers to #5

nice but what with new your city project?

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#7: c:1 plus 4

by mx on 06/10/2009 10:32

I used very simple way to make 3d images:
1. take screenshot
2. move a bit right (or left) and take another screenshot (without moving mouse/joystick/etc.)
3. open your image manipulation program and open these two screenshots as layers
4. move left screenshot to right (or right screenshot to leftside)
5. save as single image
Çäðàâñòâóé, NDK! Ïîëãîäà íàçàä çàõîäèë, ñåãîäíÿ âîò çàø¸ë íà ãëàâíóþ ñòðàíèöó òâîåãî ñàéòà è âèæó îäíó è òó æå êàðòèíó: "Íåðîáèò =)". Ìîæåò àïäåéò êàêîé-íèáóäü ñäåëàåøü?
It's under construction now, but you always can download latest build here: http://mxsauermaps.narod.ru/maps.html

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#8: ..

by NDK on 06/10/2009 11:08

Óæå ñäåëàë ¸ïò))) Siome.ru òîêà òàì åù¸ ïðîãðàììó íå äîäåëàë ïîêà ñêà÷àòü íåëüçÿ... ß âîò çàäóìàë ïðîåêò êðóòîé ìíå íóæåí ïðîãðàììåð è ìîäåëëåð è ëó÷øàÿ ñåòåâàÿ èãðà áóäåò ñäåëàíà..) Ñàìîìó ïðîãðàììèòü(ñè ++ íåçíàþ ... =( à ó÷èòü â ëîì)

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#9: update @ 10 jun

by mx on 06/10/2009 21:06

There's an update. What changed:
1. fixed railroad wires
2. Added stair borders
3. New traffic lights
And here are some tasty screenshots:
1. http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/3158/screenshot49828.png
2. http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/6898/screenshot98603.png
3. http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/5426/screenshot120428.png
4. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3553/screenshot247052.png
1. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5007/jcity3d4.png
Waiting for your comments

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#10: ..

by WakeField on 06/11/2009 00:53

lol mx, i figured that out on my own before you posted. Sorry :P. But it seams i can't find the saved shots. What do they save to?

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#11: ..

by geartrooper2 on 06/11/2009 03:29

we need bots to follow fixed waypoints, imo. Then, even though we don't have vehicle physics, that wouldn't prevent us from making vehicle bots.

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#12: ..

by NDK on 06/11/2009 07:33

Ó òåáÿ äîìà âûãëÿäÿò íå ðåàëèñòè÷íûìè... Âî ïåðâûõ òåêñòóðû... ß íàïðèìåð ñâîè äåëàþ ( íî íåêîòîðûå áåðó èç ñàóýðà) ïîòîì ñëèøêîì áîëüøèå... À ñâåòîôîð âîîáùå ñ ïîë äîìà))) Ìíå ïîíðàâèëèñü àíòåíû íà ñòîëáàõ âîîáùå êë¸âî è ñàìè ñòîëáû...

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#13: so far

by themayor on 06/26/2009 06:30

i have been working on an urban/city based map for a couple months now. haven't been able to dedicate a lot of time to it, but i hope to post a thread about it in 2 or 3 weeks with screenshots.

im glad to see that there is a lot of investment in creating urban maps— something that sauer lacks.

part of the reason i think it lacks is based on the nature of the geometry, meaning: a lot more attentive work has to be put in to make it look legitimate, not neccissarily realistic.

i personally agree with your process of working on one portion, or one component at a time; i think that urban map design is too unpredictable to have things roughly planned out and then work out details.

while i know there is hesitation towards urban map making in sauer because of its common exploitation in FPS games or its not coinciding with the "style" of the game, it is still something that would add diversity to the game, and an urban theme is surely not as commonly used as futuristic, space aged, indoor maps.

with all that said, i think the map looks wonderful so far. you have clearly mindfuly borrowed city elements from many different places, giving it a fantastic or surreal theme, but still in the range of a tangible, representational environment.

it looks like you are paying close attention to space, which is crucial in all sauer maps, but after redoing numerous urban maps till i found something worth finishing, i can say its easy to misgadge playability space.

the layout looks intriguing and unique, but from what the screenshots show, might be the only thing so far i will be critical about. it doesn' look very mazy, but dont make it mazey. and if there are multiple roots, keep directions guided by more larger thuroughfares vs smaller paths like alleys, tunnels, walkways, stairs, etc.

i also hope to see the same amount of detail put in the buildings as in the streetlights, wires, and light rail line. at least consistent. while your buildings look amazing in their attention to form, they need to be less generic.

i assume the time period is somewhat contemporary, but often the beauty in a city (or the thing that makes it interesting) is the chronology on display of the change in time, architecture, function, etc. this might help diversify the overall look of the map.

looks great for now, perhaps one of the better ones yet. hope this was helpful. let me know if you need any more advice or testing in the future. would love to contribute

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#14: one more thing

by themayor on 06/26/2009 09:41

what i mean by generic i think this map is more geared toward the residential feel.

did you sculpt those traffic stops? they look like map models. if so, nice work!

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#15: Re: so far

by mx on 06/28/2009 10:26, refers to #14

Thank you, themayor!
Agreed that it's not much urban-themed sauerbraten maps, maybe because mappers have to spend a lot of time on them and often giving up their work when process becomes boring (not sure, but it seems like Red (NYC map) did so).

Also agreed that buildings must be highly detailed, too. As you can see, some of them are just copies of similar ones so I thinj that they must be remade entirely.

Thank you for the idea of showing timeline in the map. Old and traditional architecture would probably solve the problem.

Everything in this map is handmade, no mapmodels yet

At the moment I am working on the another part of the map (screenshots will be soon), but it doesn't mean that this part is completely done: buildings, railway wires, streetlights and so are still could be improved.

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#16: ..

by themayor on 07/01/2009 01:28

well i will be excited to see, and hopfully i can get some input from you on my map as it progresses.

i will often stall and get bored. but i know that this map i am working on now is something i will finish....just a matter of when.

hopefully red's NYC wasn't abandoned. by the screenshots, i couldnt imagine something like that you would have to put so much time and effort in for. but its SOO big, perhaps thats the problem

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#17: is this dead???

by themayor on 10/23/2009 22:27

has the creator given up? seems like all urban maps get abandoned.....

i will hopfully have some pics up in 2 or three weeks.

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#18: Still Working On It?

by LeftClicker on 01/16/2010 03:29

Hey, are you still working on it? You haven't commented here since... 06-28-09. That was roughly 5 and a half months. I'd hate to see another awesome urban map go to waste...

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#19: Re: Still Working On It?

by Quin on 01/16/2010 06:17, refers to #18

#1 reason not to be excited by vapourware. Provide a downloadable demo/concept, or don't waste our time!

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#20: Re: Still Working On It?

by Nixot on 01/16/2010 11:17, refers to #19

Vapourware... That's a good term.

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