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Cubescript tutorial for sp/campaign maps

by rknigh21 on 05/31/2009 12:03, 3 messages, last message: 06/04/2009 04:48, 1286 views, last view: 03/17/2024 22:18



is my revised cubescript tutorial aimed at sp maps. I am trying to get all the cubescript relevant to sp mapping into one tutorial. My aim is to making it easyer for someone to get started adding scripted elements to sp maps.

So far the only really good example of this type of map is Redon's excellent map lost.

It can also acts a a reference if you are not sure of the syntax for a particular command.

If anyone spots errors or commands I have missed please let me know

Much of the revision is based on Hirato Kirata comments on a previous version.

The next version will contain the menu/gui stuff.


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#1: ..

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/31/2009 21:01

Thanks, I've been waiting for something like this.

Hopefully we'll see a few more SP maps in the next release now.

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#2: Scripting - the hidden art

by MeatROme on 06/03/2009 14:28

Well, I've been around this community for a while and had tried to help people empower themselves to use CubeScript for their maps from the beginning. Sadly in those days nobody seemed in the slightest interested in my efforts ... when Hirato came along I had already dropped this dream and restricted myself to minimalistic posts in the scripting category on quadropolis.
I'm very happy to see I'm not the only one that was horrified by the idea of SP vanishing completely from Sauerbraten - thank the IPU it's not so :-)

I do agree my "Four Bases"-campaign wasn't up to par with what the excellent Mitaman had already shown to be possible with good mapping and excellent monster-placement, so I don't blame anyone for it having been taken out of the release ... but I had hoped for it to show people how easy it was do have some nice effects in an SP map with some simple scripting. Redon's map is another such example very fresh in everyone's memory.

There's also some effort I put into the wiki: http://cube.wikispaces.com/Scripting+Guide .. where I had hoped for other scripting enthusiasts to collaborate with me on expanding the offline docs - which, to be honest, have yet to be made non-coder-friendly.

I've actually just cross-referenced your page onto the wiki-page linked above .. so nobody searching there doesn't get as much information as possible :-)
I only skimmed your page (which is missing a title BTW) .. and it seems you took most your time to re-iterate the basics .. maybe we could merge all the different approaches one day?!

See my (orphaned by choice) wiki-page I had in mind for doing that, the last time I felt the urge to pay back the community for what I've received - a great game, tons and tons of fun and an excellent playground for all kinds of artistic expression (mapping, scripting, coding and tutorial writing).

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#3: Re: Scripting - the hidden art

by )FC($k!llz_ on 06/04/2009 04:48, refers to #2

I still appreciate it!

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