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Blood paint gun and friendly bot mod?

by riot on 05/19/2009 21:53, 14 messages, last message: 05/21/2009 18:46, 1707 views, last view: 04/22/2024 12:07, closed on 05/22/2009 07:00

1st of all how about a blood paint gun i was thinking about to just enhance the map
and the backround.

secondly how about some bots that help you with the missions, i mean its not always fun being alone. Is it possible to create a bot that looks like you and is scripted to shoot the "monsters" or enemy?

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#1: ..

by iFlag on 05/19/2009 22:04

bots in SP mode? bad idea, way to easy, plus you're not playing with real people. multiplayer co-op on single player maps would be good though. As for the blood paint gun, i have no idea what you're talking about ????

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#2: re paiint ball

by UnSt@bl3M1ND on 05/19/2009 22:26


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#3: ..

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/19/2009 22:58

Paintball wasn't exactly the most fun mode in BF. And I doubt it would work any better in Sauer.

And iFlag is right, co-op would be way better than bots in SP.

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#4: Re: ..

by Megagun_ on 05/19/2009 23:24, refers to #1

Multiplayer co-op is pretty hard to do, whereas bots in SP aren't that hard to do, and might actually provide you with plenty of fun and give a lot of immersion to a singleplayer game.

Ever played Half-Life 2 episode 2's Antlion crescendo? Or the Half-Life 2 maps inside City 17?

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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 05/20/2009 01:07, refers to #4

Heh, I loved the Antlion parts of HL2; but it made me realise just how well they have to be written. Unfortunately I spend less time enjoying a game than I do analysing it, and their logic sucked when it came to getting in your path and not moving.

I don't think the O.P. is talking about a Paintball mode either, rather something more like our current blendmap functionality:


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#6: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 05/20/2009 03:45, refers to #5

You mean decals?
I imagine he means something like one of these: http://images.google.com/images?q=blood+splatter

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#7: it seems

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/20/2009 06:10

it seems that you may either be talking about a gun that spews blood or and paintball gun that makes blood splatters. or a paintball gun that is strong enough to break the skin and make blood spout. you need to define what you meant.

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#8: Re: it seems

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/20/2009 06:13, refers to #7

sorry about double posting, i forgot to add this: also if you want bots that do that, how about you try making that happen, its a good idea, but the modification for it is a bit harder seeing as the bots are "programed" (if you will) to shoot any moving target.

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#9: Re: ..

by iFlag on 05/20/2009 21:41, refers to #4

have you ever realized that most people on sauer have macs? i can't play those PC games :P. And besides that, i don't understand how it would be so hard to implement SP bots into MP, please explain?

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#10: Re: ..

by Megagun_ on 05/20/2009 23:40, refers to #9

No, I haven't, since it's just not right: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=102911&package_id=110363&release_id=680240

Older stats: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=102911&package_id=110363&release_id=607702

As you can see, far more use Windows, and quite a lot use Linux; perhaps even more as Linux users might just grab the Windows edition (or SVN!) and compile it for Linux if they dualboot (like I, and many others, do) which OSX users most likely won't as they're less likely to compile things. Additionally, Sauer is probably in quite a few repositories.

As for SP bots into MP: you'll have to sync everything, which -given the fact that Sauer's logic isn't serverside- can be quite painful. Basically, what has to be done is EVERY monster has to be 'hosted' by one PC (like bots are currently dealt with). Possible? Yes. Harder to implement than just implementing SP bots into Coop? Yes.

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#11: Re: ..

by Megagun_ on 05/20/2009 23:44, refers to #5

Though I haven't played the commentary track for that one yet, I'm guessing that there's more involved in getting that bit really good. For instance, the way the music picks up whenever there's loads of action onscreen works really well for me (I've played it without the music once; it was pretty meh). Additionally, there's the 'lulls' where there's not a lot of action, so you get room to breathe, which actually seems to intensify things and make things less boring (constant shooting = boring), and those moments are when you go "oh my god I have to rush and set these things up before another horde arrives oh my god ruuun", which are perhaps more exciting than the actual moments of shooting themselves. And they help build anticipation, and allow for the scripting to be executed rather well (bot chatter)...

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#12: Message censored by administrator

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/21/2009 01:05, refers to #9

#13: @12

by tentus_ on 05/21/2009 04:14

Please know what you're talking about before acting as if you do. I censored your post because it's likely to mislead new people or those searching the forum.

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#14: Re: @12

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/21/2009 18:46, refers to #13

well i was asking at the same time as trying to ask exactly what this person was saying, in otherword i am guessing and asking. i was worndering if he meant a paintball gun and/or he meant somthing else. then i pointed out that it was really hard to understand what he means when he 1. won't repost and 2. didn't speifie what he meant and i wanted more info. thank you.

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