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SP Storyline Concepts

by geartrooper2 on 05/11/2009 05:31, 65 messages, last message: 05/25/2009 07:15, 34899 views, last view: 05/18/2024 18:02

Here is the place to post ideas for the storyline of the SP Campaign. I have a few of my own;

Castle Defense; Fixit and/or Snout are subject to waves of attack and must defend a mapmodel which the ai have been programmed to attack. The mapmodel has a fixed amount of hitpoints and once destroyed, the game is lost. This concept can closely be attributed to tower defense, where the waves of attack increase in difficulty. Perhaps there even could be barriers with hitpoints which the ai must fight through until reaching the final area. Winning might be impossible, the ultimate end being to post high scores of just how far along you withheld the attacking waves.

Trap Dungeon;
Player must navigate through increasingly difficult levels of traps while fending off attacking monsters, a la Indiana Jones.

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#26: ...

by geartrooper2 on 05/13/2009 09:47

I ask for a simple, temporary forum and all I get is reasons why not. You ever consider that maybe I have reasons for having a forum?

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#27: Re: ...

by Quin on 05/13/2009 10:26, refers to #26

Maybe you do, but for me its yet another thing I have to add to my already busy daily cycle. Maybe use a Google Group, so that I can get (digest) emails and not have to worry?

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#28: ...

by geartrooper2 on 05/13/2009 10:43

thats fine. I'm thinking of those of us that aren't on irc alot but still want to contribute.

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#29: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/13/2009 10:52

Invitations sent. But I need emails in this format; ironantknightATgmailDOTcom if you didn't get one. Post it here or give it to me in irc.

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#30: ..

by Hero on 05/13/2009 18:11

Mmh, megaguns idea is indeed pretty good!

However, thought I'd post the idea khane and I had once and were working on before he suddenly disappeared again:

You are one of the last IronSnouts, a member of the Snout Empire military. The Empire was recently attacked by giant monsters, once thought to be mere stories to frighten children, the bauuls. A horrific war started between the Snout Empire and the foreign force, but the Snout army was not strong enough to really stand up against the terrible amount of bauuls and their slaves and allies. When the Snout Military Command realized that there was no hope for their race to survive at this place, they decided to create a portal to another planet and escape. This portal is called "Sauerbraten" (might want to change it, the story was meant to explain the games name, but since 'sauerbraten' isn't primary anymore, this may be changed as well). Unfortunately, some parts of the required device to activate the actual portal are in various outposts and bases which were already occupied by bauul forces. So you were sent by the Snout Military Command (alone or with a small team) to infiltrate those bases and gather all the needed parts.

Of course, thats just a quickly made-up story which could use more details or changes in any other way.

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#31: Re: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/13/2009 20:28, refers to #30

I like this being able to explain the game's name and why every map is on completely different sceneries.

Thumbs up.

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#32: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/13/2009 23:10, refers to #30

OK, so you're fighting monsters... to make a portal to run away from the monsters? That wouldn't be a very victorious victory — "Congradulations! You succeeded in running away from the enemy!"

I dunno. Just doesn't fit with me.

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#33: Re: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/13/2009 23:13, refers to #32

Make it so the hero is somehow french

boom, suddenly fits

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#34: game idea

by Captain_Ahab on 05/14/2009 00:17

here's 2 ideas;

Make a village with lots of civilians. and one zombie guy. The zombie guy attacks the civilians and turns them into zombies who can also attack civilians and them THEM into zombies.
Now kill all the zombies before everyone is turned into zombies.... killing a civilian makes other civilians possibly attack you.

Serial killer.
Same as the above except the killer acts like a civilian if he can see you and kills civilians if he can't. Catch him before everyone is dead. Shoot the wrong man and everyone will attack you ( because they think you're the killer )

Both score points depending on how many civilians survive and how many civilians you accidentally kill.

in both cases, the initial killer/zombie is determined randomly at the start so its not the same person each game.

As a campaign, in the zombie game, each level takes you closer to the zombie-king/vampire/etc, that you need to defeat. ( typical Horror style, like the old game "Blood" )
in the serial killer game, the campaign could be a series of crimefighting scenarios. stop the drug smugglers, catch the top gang member, kill the mob boss and his thugs .

Killing hordes of monsters in a grungy sci-fi environment gets old.

of course, if you like the French, simply re-enact the battle of Camerone ( and die like a hero )

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#35: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/14/2009 09:44

Excellent ideas Cap. But like mine, they sort of resemble game modes. I think the bulk of the group are more inclined towards fixed goals. On the other hand, we would love to have you on the sp dev team.

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#36: Hull breach

by Megagun_ on 05/14/2009 14:16

You're a security/communications officer aboard a starship carrying hundreds of colonists in suspended animation. The ship is travelling at .85 times the speed of light, and is currently staffed by about 50 people. As soon as you departed your homeland, the staff made the decision that whenever they were to land on the planet they were going for, they would rule the lands and the colonists would be their slaves. You originally were against this plan, but eventually agreed with it, but at gunpoint.

It was any regular normal day without much hiccup, when suddenly an unknown starship of an unknown alien race (your race hadn't met any other aliens yet!) was spotted far behind you, travelling at speeds a bit higher than your own ship, matching course with your ship..

Immediately, a few xenobiologists are waked from suspended animation, to see if they have any valuable insight, but as soon as they figure out the 'plan' of the people staffing the ship, they refuse to cooperate any further.

Hours later, the alien ship is still getting closer and closer, and suddenly it deploys a grappling hook style of device, and begins 'reeling in' your ship!

About an hour later, the aliens begin cutting open the hull of your ship, and start enetering the ship, killing people. What follows is a large standoff between the staff and the aliens. The staff mostly uses improvised weapons, such as blunt objects and modified message/drilling lasers, as originally there weren't any weapons on board.

To you, it is rather clear from the beginning of the hull breach that the staff is fighting a losing battle, and that the colonists should be awoken to fight alongside with the staff, yet a large part of the staff -including the captain- do not agree (they might refuse! look at the xenobiologists!) and prevent you from doing so.

After an especially large battle where a large part of the staff is killed, you and a few likeminded folk manage to make it to the freezer units, awaken the colonists, and regain control over the starship.

After control has been regained, and you try to make the ship break free from the alien ship, you find yourself inable to do so (grappling hook!), and it is decided that the alien ship is to be attacked. From then on, it is an all-out assault against the aliens.

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#37: Re: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 05/14/2009 18:27, refers to #35

I suppose they are more like game modes... oh well.
Then the sp would be something that is to be made with ordinary Sauerbraten + cubescript? If so, then a continuing storyline and matching art assets end up being the defining characteristics. Otherwise it'll just end up looking and playing like any other sp map.
Grunge sci-fi and heavy metal is getting tiresome.

I like the Indiana Jones type game... puzzles and platforming along with shooting things... not one or the other.

hmmmmmmm ... French
Foreign Legion
Indiana Jones
Temple of Doom and Gunga Din and 'The Man Who Would Be King"
King Solomon's Mines and She
Mummy's Curse
John Carter of Mars and Barsoom

please not more dirty greebled metal panels


I'd love to be part of this, but I have so little time and I'm working on maps with Sandbox
I'd do what I could, but I'm not in a position to be counted on keeping any deadlines or having lots/great things to contribute on a regular basis

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#38: Re: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 05/14/2009 18:28, refers to #37

oh yeah

Spaghetti Westerns!

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#39: Message censored by administrator

by unstablemind on 05/14/2009 18:37

#40: ..

by marvin2k on 05/14/2009 19:43

Goods ideas here, i like castle defense.

in storyline, you can use humor, is not usual in games, but very usual in 70, 80´s Science fiction comics. Humor with mosters, stupid super heros, and other rare things, for example: Richard Corbens comics.

it,s only an idea.

other good idea is upgrade, guns, shields, guns capacity etc...

good idea too price at end of few maps, animation, story in images....somethink like that.

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#41: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/14/2009 21:10

so jump in the mix marvin2k, and help out with ideas and models. what do you say?

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#42: how about. . . .

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/15/2009 02:16

you were messing with the creaturs of earth in a bio-lab (medevil type) and you added the wrong thing, suddenly a new creature was made (the hellpig) and you kept him in the dungeon. meanwhille you kept on experimneting untill you made all monsters, not relizing the fact that they are both mail and femail, so they reproudce. you had to go to the dungeon to grab some tools, and inside of the dungeon you set a "just in case of emergency" butten to give you weps in hidden areas, so that you could defend yourself.

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#43: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/15/2009 05:53

Geartrooper, any activity on the Google group? The activation link didn't work for me.

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#44: Re: ..

by Megagun_ on 05/15/2009 12:58, refers to #43

You need to register a Google account on the e-mail address where you got sent the invite to the group, then login with that and hit the activation link again.

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#45: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/15/2009 19:59, refers to #44

I already have a gmail account (JadeMatrix.art), and was logged in at the time. It still didn't work.

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