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by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/08/2009 05:59, 2 messages, last message: 05/10/2009 01:54, 1090 views, last view: 04/12/2024 04:03, closed on 05/10/2009 04:34

I am now proudly announcing a few new textures to use. I have made an Alaphabet for people to use on their maps. Heres where to download it at: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/1952

Heres how to use them: You go to your CFG GUI and type in: texturereset

Then you type texture 0 sub-sero-textures/A.jpg (Be sure to execute this command twice for the fact that there has to be one texture with the skytexture in it.) Then you come back to the A and change that to a B (only execute this once.) (Note I haven't finished everything, there will be more ubdates, but at the moment the caped letters are all I made.) It goes on down from A-Z and one last texture names sicles (sorry, I suck at spelling.)

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#1: Terrible.

by Nixot on 05/09/2009 20:26

Crappy five minute MS Paint job, and the letters are way too big as it is.

Compare the textures that are already there to yours. Do you really think that anyone will like your textures?

Also, inb4lock.
Also, inb4censor.

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#2: Re: Terrible.

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/10/2009 01:54, refers to #1

Oh screw you! If you can do better do it yourself! Besides I had minor coplications with the size. i am working on trying to fix that and anyother errors that were made. this was the first texture that had the alaphabet anyways. and as it shows on quadropolis it that this is the "Alapha" release. this means that this is the "first" release, also meaning that there most likely will be better versons made, P.s. i am working on it better this time i am planning on making capped and uncapped and numbers 0-9 and the other signs such as ,.<>?/";:"[]{}=-)(*&^%$#@! but it takes time. and btw this is much more accurate the stain-glass-window texture is off, but mine are centerd. (i have no problem with the person who made the stain=glass-window texture.)also just for your infomation it took two hours to get everything centerd and made when i first made it. also i am adding some new textures.

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