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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Texture Questions

by Xploit on 04/06/2009 04:47, 6 messages, last message: 04/18/2009 23:46, 1269 views, last view: 05/04/2024 23:19

Is their a limit to how many textures you can have loaded onto a game to work with?

Is their a way to improve the quality of a texture within the game? They always become very fuzzy when close up in the editor.

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#1: ..

by a~baby~rabbit on 04/06/2009 05:14

You can improve "quality" by providing a larger texture - though at some point you have to question of wisdom of pressing your eyeball against the wall as opposed to playing the game.

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#2: Re: ..

by SephoD on 04/06/2009 10:33, refers to #1

I have done some research on this matter, and the truth is that you can improve the quality by using larger textures and scaling them down using texscale. This provides a lot better looking textures, but of course means longer loading times :)
You can't use as big textures as you want either, since not all graphic cards allow for really big textures. I generally use textures that are 1024x1024 or 1024x512 and use texscale 0.5 on them. Try it out, and see if you like it.

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#3: Message censored by administrator

by 00Hugo00 on 04/11/2009 10:04

#4: ..

by abcord on 04/11/2009 18:48

set the scale smaller - to 0.5, or 0.25.

so it'd look like:

texture 0 "xploit/thistexture.jpg" 0 0 0 0.5

in the config.

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#5: First question.

by Nixot on 04/12/2009 21:51

Cube 1: 256.
Cube 2: 65,536 I think.

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#6: fuzzy

by $k!llz on 04/18/2009 23:46

um the fuzzy part, no one is standing there looking at the textures in a normal game, so there is realy no point on fixing it.

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