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by jesseoffy on 04/05/2009 19:52, 13 messages, last message: 04/25/2009 19:44, 2932 views, last view: 05/04/2024 12:27

Hey, this is my first post here with a few questions. I am modding Cube 2 into a more realistic game. (monsters become soldier-like things, and weapons change.)
Questions: (BTW, I have a mac)
Where is the sound file for the song that gets played when you start Sauerbraten? All I can find are the sound effects files.
Where can I get a skin for the pistol to make it look more like a real handgun. (aka glock, desert eagle, assault cube gun, etc.)
Thanks for all the help and exxpect more posts. :)

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#1: ..

by useoftoaster on 04/05/2009 21:01

I think that the music for Sauerbraten startup comes from the same place as the gameplay music: Sauerbraten/packages/fanatic

I don't want to be a downer, but I would think that if you are going to make the pistol look realistic you'll have to replace the whole model and do skinning yourself. Default Sauerbraten pistol (except in SVN) doesn't really have the geometry of any real world weapon.

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#2: This is obligatory for every mod.

by Nixot on 04/07/2009 12:02


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#3: Re: This is obligatory for every mod.

by jesseoffy on 04/08/2009 00:00, refers to #2

I know a bit of modding, it's just that certain stuff needs help, and then I first turn to Quaropolis. Most of the stuff there has a license that lets me use it in non-commercial mods. I also learn as I go.

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#4: ..

by abcord on 04/08/2009 04:01

Check out the license - essentially, the game and it's code are open source, but the media is not. So for soldiers, new guns etc. You will need to either buy some models and get them to work in MD2-5 or find a modeler you can.

So start out small: Work on maybe creating a replacement model pack for the guns and gun sounds, then move on from there. Ripping everything out and starting from scratch is SUPER difficult - trust me, been there, done that, got the scars.

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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/08/2009 05:09, refers to #4

Yeah, but it also got you credit. I probably wouldn't have taken over the codebase if you hadn't made a real effort to make a total conversion :)

But then again, it was alot to do with right place at the right time - I was looking for something to sink my teeth into, and you just happened to be there waving about an open position worth doing.

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#6: ..

by jesseoffy on 04/10/2009 14:13

hehe, I am starting out small. It is not a complete conversion, but mainly an attempt to create more realistic characters and weapons.

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#7: ..

by 95Rifles on 04/15/2009 23:22

I have modelled a Springfield in Blender, I exported it as an MD3.

I post my question here as if Jesseoffy needs a modeller I could do 2 or 3 weapons for him.

I cannot get this ingame, I have replaced the vrifle.md3 with my one )I renamed it) and it wont change the actual model. Can anyone help?

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#8: ..

by jesseoffy on 04/16/2009 02:26

YES! If you can make weapons (which will work in the game) then I could use a lot of help!
Of course, they have to be realistic, but I think what is most important (and useful) right now is a replacement for the handgun and the rocket launcher thingy.
If possible, could the handgun be a desert eagle? (a beretta 92 would look cool to). And if the rocket launcher could look like a real rocket launcher/ bazooka type thing.
If you can do this, that would be great help.

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#9: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 04/16/2009 04:27, refers to #8


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#10: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 04/25/2009 05:46, refers to #1

actually, where as you can place your own music in the Sauerbraten/packages/fanatic area, you have to make sure the file is an OGG file, but you can also add your music to any of the other areas that have sound effects. but i have gone through every file possible without reformatting all of them and can't find the music.

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#11: Re: replacing music

by MeatROme on 04/25/2009 11:38, refers to #10

First off you should know
- http://cube.wikispaces.com/How+not+to+start+a+mod
- http://cube.wikispaces.com/How+to+approach+modding
all available from http://cube.wikispaces.com/Modding+Guide

Then - when you're familiar with the license issues - you will, of course, correctly replace the music with whatever you have permission to use .. the script where you'll need to edit the folder to get the files from is: data/game_fps.cfg.


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#12: Message censored by administrator

by ZOMGACCOUNT on 04/25/2009 15:38

#13: ..

by jesseoffy on 04/25/2009 19:44

Yeah, I found the sound files, andmeatrome, I have gotten that same post a million times, but guess what? There are people out there who don't mind helping, that's why I posted these questions.

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