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Where is my son's files

by dimps620 on 03/17/2009 01:11, 6 messages, last message: 03/18/2009 06:13, 2857 views, last view: 05/03/2024 21:17

My son has many hours invested in this level he built with all the extras. My other son wanted to build his own level and did a new map and saved it as twilight. Now I can't seem to load my other son's file. What file extension am I looking for in Windows? Where does it store these levels/maps he is building? I don't think he wrote over my sons file because he called it something else. Would it it prompt us when someone is about to overwrite a file. Please tell me that my son's works is still around some where.

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#1: ..

by eihrul on 03/17/2009 01:19

Map files are stored within the "packages/base/" directory inside whichever directory you installed Sauerbraten at. If you are on Windows, check "C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten\packages\base". If you are on Linux, check "~/.sauerbraten/packages/base".

They are the files with the ".ogz" extension. If you save over an existing map, the existing map will be renamed to have a ".BAK" extension in that directory. The ".BAK" files can be restored by just renaming them to have an ".ogz" extension again.

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#2: Re: ..

by dimps620 on 03/17/2009 02:57, refers to #1

I found the files you were talking about. They were located in Desktop\dimperio\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\sauerbraten\packages\base. What is the difference between that path and c:\program files\sauerbraten\packages\base?

If you look at the second path there you will notice ogz files and an associated jpeg file with the same name which is a screen shot of the map. The maps located in this directory are the ones provided in the menus.

I renamed by bak file to ogz extension and left it in the first path because that looks to be where it has been saving everything. I though couldn't seem to load up the file. Where does it have to be to work correctly. Why is the ogz file so small 18kb? The scenary and all the stuff he added to this map can't be all stored in this ogz file. How does this programming work in the back ground.

My first priority is to get my kids file loaded back in again. Help with this is greatly appreciated :)

Sorry for the newbie questions!

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#3: ..

by EternalSailorSenshi on 03/17/2009 06:19

yes I can be 18kb Sauers maps are very very small in size as the actual textures and models and sky and not saved in the .ogz

and since I assume your running vista its gonna save it in the appdata folder as vista don't allow some programs wire access to \program files

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#4: more kid friendly

by EternalSailorSenshi on 03/17/2009 06:22

this is a Mod of sauer thats geared for kids


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#5: ..

by eihrul on 03/17/2009 09:56

There seems to be some information about the issue here:

Sounds like Vista is causing apps to write files there, but not automatically read from there. But the second post in that thread seems to discuss how to disable that.

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#6: ..

by Acord on 03/18/2009 06:13

They are probably in his pants, in the washer.

Vista seriously causes issues though. That would be why Windows 7 is slated for September.

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