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Winning strategies/map gameplay.

by Bibi on 02/13/2009 21:12, 1 messages, last message: 02/13/2009 23:30, 1084 views, last view: 05/05/2024 08:04

In regen capture, I believe there are wnning strategies, particulary strong bases, or stong side of a map. So a wining strategy often consist of capturing those bases (shifting side, sometimes: let the other team takes yours and take theirs), then keep the advantage.

In asteroid and corruption (fixed ammo!), rocket base(s) are placed upper than every other. In a game like sauer, whithout falling damage, to be upper is a kind of advantages because it let you choose a wide variety of destination whereas someone down must climb up with stairs, jumppad or teleport. It may seem enought, but it's not as good as the freedom of falling wherever you want, really. So in those two map, usually the team wich dominate the rocket base dominate the match. In asteroids, the good way to capture one of those is with SG shells, cause it can kill with one shot a camper, plus it is difficult to defend a base with a RL. The MG base of this map is the one a loosing team can be hold in. In corruption, despite being very reachable, the rocket base can't be attacked from more than one side, and it usually is well guarded... As in serenity (also by Kaiser), the loosing team can be hold near the grenade base, that means down.

But not only map with fixed ammo can be unbalanced in some way. For instance , in nmp9 (one of the first capture map) the side with the hight tower and powerfull jumppad get the advantage I think. It depends more on the ammo, but the powerfull (and easy to get) jumppad let one to reach every part of the map easily, and benefit from the surprise. Also, one of the other side base is a dead end, especially vulnerable to explosive weapons...
Urban_C is also unbalanced in some way: one side has more scattered bases and playerstarts really far from all but one isolated base ... It wasn't a flaw at the begining of the capture mode, because everyone was spawning everywhere (if I remember well); but now, with regen, more scatered bases and too far playerstarts mean more time spend in traveling or less weapon choice. Obviously, random ammo and team can result in this side (side 1 in ctf) overwhelming the other, but I believe it is often the weaker side.

Other map seems balanced to me, a strong or weak side is caused by random ammo so the winning strategy here is to capture and keep interesting bases then go for more bases. Usual business, different each time.

An other things: I don't think there are enought playerstarts in duomo. there is a lot of spawn kill sometimes.

Do you agree, disagree, or have another thought to share here?

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#1: ..

by TomCat39 on 02/13/2009 23:30

One thing I see players do which often turns the tide against themselves is trying to capture all the points for the fast end.

When the enemy team is down to it's last capture point and you go for it, they all tend to spawn around one of your points (usually unguarded or weakly guarded). Quite often one of the rockets points at that.

On most maps, if your team can gain the upper amount of capture points, and then leave the enemy with only 2 or so points. They can easily maintain that advantage to win the match. That rarely happens though and the was leading team ends up losing from falling pray to greed.

If there is only a few capture points in a match, a team can quite often take them all for the fast win, but if there is a bunch of points spread out. You end up just cycling through them. And never getting them all.

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