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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Game Organisation

by Shockie on 04/24/2003 09:45, 9 messages, last message: 08/04/2003 13:27, 1378 views, last view: 04/28/2024 09:31

I alwasy thought it would be sweet to have a thread where we could set game orginisation times.

in this thread, please ONLY post games, do not reply to them with things like "oh, ill be there" or "hmm, thats just too late"

Format for posting:
GMT Offset:
Game Mode:

Server: UberCuber
Time: 4PM
Date: 24/apr/2003
GMT: +8:00
Mode: Instagib
(yes, i am going to play at this time)

also feel free to co-op sessions

only post if it is at least 1 day in advance

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#1: A small change

by Shockie on 04/24/2003 09:54

Actulay make that not GMT offset, but the time in GMT. pushplays idea :) and i like it

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#2: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 04/30/2003 22:33

I find that organising games is good becose you really get a chance of ACUTTALY PLAYING MP ON CUBE witch is the best . But this way , i think is a bad idiea . Instead , we should all talk togeter and organise a big game , not just say when you going to play , because how sure is it going to be that other peaple would want to join . Or another way to organise games is by joining a clan or making a clan . This is my opinion , you can say what you want about it . Bye

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#3: ..

by cherokee on 05/13/2003 20:24

This would be eased incredibly much if this were to be, somehow, arranged here on the cube homepage. A challenge scheme or something.. I know there's an ESL ladder, but this would be just to find occasions to play serious matches, but still just for fun...

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#4: pager-style?

by D.plomat on 05/21/2003 12:34

The most often, when 2-3 persons are playing, it looks like more and more players connect and some servers get very active, and when i would like to play and there's no-one, if i don't need my computer for other use, i connect to a server and hopefully wait. IMO it's maybe the first player who connect won't have enough patience/time to wait, and some player may just take a look on serverbrowser/website and go their way if there's no active one.
So i'm making a little bash script with wget/awk to parse servers page. when i've made it really useful(pipe to mbrola to have a nice voice say "1 cube player connected", play a sound, or -but i'll not likely have time to- a Gnome/KDE taskbar applet), i'll package it for download.
Of course, if we could also have an agenda-like on the site, it would be great...

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#5: Re: pager-style?

by pushplay on 05/22/2003 01:42, refers to #4

That could be very helpful. One of the biggest problems in online gaming is getting a dead server going.

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#6: pager-style

by D.plomat2 on 06/14/2003 13:19

Well, i had foud some good info on coding a KDE panel applet, on:


but the download link is broken, and the e-mail of the author isn't valid.
I've downloaded the kwanda applet source, but it's more complex than i thought, as it uses every optional kde applet function. So now i'm working on reducing it to the minimum to have a base to start with, but as it's a kde2 applet, it doesn't compile with my kde3 libs. And it would only be suitable for kde3, not gnome or other kde versions. So i've stalled it until i find a clean and quick way to start devel of an applet. -I'll give it a try this week-end-

But for now i've made a trivial bash wget+awk script. maybe it could be used in a background script that periodically calls it and notify by playing a sound, pipe to text2phone speech synth or sending a mail...

Here's the source:

wget http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/masterserver/ -O - 2>/dev/null | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="</td>"; RS="</tr>" } /list/ {if ($0 !~
/(Unreachable)|(coopedit)/) \
{ gsub("[\t\n\r]",""); printf($1); printf("\t"); printf($2); printf("\n")
}}' | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="[<>]" } /list/ { printf($7); printf("\t"); printf($5);
printf("\n") }' | \
awk '($1 != "0")'

don't know if it'll be correctly escaped in the forum, anyway i'll upload it on a webserver in some days when i'm back at home.

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#7: ..

by D.plomat2 on 06/14/2003 13:21

well, line-returns weren't handled correctly... have to wait 'till i'm home again.

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#8: Pager-style applet

by D.plomat on 06/29/2003 18:11, refers to #5

Well, here it is:


still have to be improved, and rpm-packaged, but for now it's usable, just need to have the libs to compile kde application,

./configure -prefix=/usr (or other kde location)
as root:
make install

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#9: Solution of this problem!

by Jekyll on 08/04/2003 13:27

Go to "General Thread" and read my posting:

#1853: Way to find Cube players!!

It works fine!

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