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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Be a good /auth master

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/05/2009 08:05, 10 messages, last message: 01/10/2009 13:41, 1277 views, last view: 04/28/2024 14:32

Just a friendly plea for common sense: while a person holds master then it would be nice if they were polite, portrayed a responsible example to other players, and acting in the common interest of all players - using /auth to change maps to 'your' favourite or just because 'you' feel like it is power tripping...

(Note: I'm only talking about the new style /auth masters - as people with their our personal server can do whatever they want)

[/end of rant]

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#1: ..

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/05/2009 08:13

I should add that this is a minor rant, and that overall I think the new /auth system works really well - plus if someone really was abusing their rights then I'd just report them to eihrul rather than post here

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#2: ..

by }TC{viruz on 01/08/2009 16:33

and why reporting it to eihrul?

the server-owner is allowed to do what he wants with his server, and the player is alowed to pick an other one if the current one sucks...

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#3: ..

by ZGMF-X20A on 01/08/2009 16:56

"the server-owner is allowed to do what he wants with his server, and the player is allowed to pick an other one if the current one sucks..."

and who is to decide if the map is "sucking" I Have seen Many a master change the map just because his team was losing (more offen then i have seen a master change the map because it was to big or to small)

the whole idea of a open master system is just flawed ...

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#4: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/08/2009 20:55, refers to #3

It is not the system that is flawed, it is the person.

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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 01/08/2009 23:02, refers to #3

I agree that the map rotation doesn't really account for the size of the game. Not much you can really do except ask people to vote for the next one.

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#6: Re: ..

by PUDmeister on 01/09/2009 16:36, refers to #1

Pardon me if this question is out-of-line, but is there any documentation on the new /auth system? I have googled and searched the forum and docs (and even SVN) and can't find any, so it feels like a behind-the-scenes thing atm. If it is that's ok with me. But I am currently running Big-Biscuit-Barn and would like a little more control so I'm not forced to sighup the binary when someone lockes me out before I can say "hi". I was hoping this new system might alleviate that.

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#7: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 01/10/2009 01:15, refers to #6

there's a topic on the proposal somewhere in the forum...

simply, if you can be considered a "trusted" and experienced enough player, you can ask eihrul (the sole holder of the keys :P) for a private key to allow mastermode access on servers that runs with -o1 as a commandline option.

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#8: Re: ..

by PUDmeister on 01/10/2009 02:16, refers to #7

Thanks for the explanation. It doesn't sound like the direction I wanted to go in though. As a feature for a future version, I would like to suggest a way to add the server password to the /connect command to bypass private mode. Or failing that, a "whitelist" in the cfg of un-banable IP addresses.

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#9: Re: ..

by PUDmeister on 01/10/2009 02:26, refers to #8

Actually, cancel that. The -o1 option, as you point out, is adequate for my needs. Thanks.

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#10: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 01/10/2009 13:41, refers to #9

there are password protected servers in current developmental revisions, and due to the lack of a possible release anytime soon, I won't hold your breath of having access to it within the very near future :P

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