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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Editing Layers?

by Agron on 12/22/2008 16:44, 1 messages, last message: 12/24/2008 07:08, 1206 views, last view: 05/02/2024 22:10

I've been thinking about different ways to deal with materials and their shaping...

Perhaps instead of having it take up negative space, we could have an option to use a second layer of cubes, specifically for materials?

I can't really see what would be so difficult about adding that into the editor, though I'm not really a major coder.

Map size might be increased, but only if the second layer is used in that map. Current maps would stay the same size if I'm right about this.

In other words... Materials could also be editable cubes, but on a different layer of editing. That way we could have materials going diagonally, shape water properly for waterfalls and downhill streams, and stuff like that.

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#1: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/24/2008 07:08

Hmm, interesting. I think it's been brought up before, but I can't remember it being discussed.


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