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coopedit conventions

by bobbity on 04/09/2003 18:16, 17 messages, last message: 11/08/2004 00:59, 1864 views, last view: 04/14/2024 01:34

Coopediting is arguably Cubes coolest feature, but only when all people editing agree on some procedures.

I like to start a session by opening an existing map performing a newmap and saving it under a working name.
/map aard1
/savemap work
Then everybody connected votes to use the new map
/map work
then the person who originaly saved it does a /sendmap
every bodyelse does a /getmap
and then a /fullbright 1

Let the editing begin

everyone should stop editing periodicly and do a /savemap and then announce that they have done the savemap so that work isnt lost if a client or the server crashes and burns also any changes to waterlevel should be announced so that every one can perform the change

how to resync a dropped client
when the client reconnects every body stops editing does a savemap then a sendmap and waits for the reconnected client to do a /getmap and anounce that they received it.

Using these procedures I have had some very successful coopediting sessions, contrary to what some players say about coopedit being buggy and not working.

Does any body else have suggestions on how to run a successful coopedit session?

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#1: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/18/2003 06:56

hey bobbity my good friend i am here to listen to your ideas i am not the greatest mapper, but i think this is a good thing so go on about your ideas please

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#2: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/24/2003 04:02

ok is any1 going 2 post on bobbitys fine thread?

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#3: Re: ..

by pushplay on 04/24/2003 07:00, refers to #2

Nope, bobbity pretty much summed it up nicely. The more serious question as to what to do if you want to change someone else's work depends on each pairing. Generally you just ask and see what they say.

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#4: Re: ..

by Shockie on 04/24/2003 09:35, refers to #2

i think that thesea re good suggestions, but i done ever get to co-op

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#5: Re: ..

by pushplay on 04/24/2003 09:46, refers to #4

Yes you do, we made that one map together.

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#6: Re: ..

by Shockie on 04/24/2003 09:55, refers to #5

and how bloody long ago was that!

that was ages ago

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#7: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/24/2003 16:45

um if i could we so rude u shokie and pushplay r sounding like a couple and shokie is the woman,
Shokie:i never map with u!
Pushplay:yes remeber that map i did with u?
Shokie:that was forever ago!

sorry guys but it is so true hahahaha

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#8: Re: ..

by Piglet on 04/26/2003 16:09, refers to #7

lol, thats very true (and pretty funny too) Pathegreat

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#9: Re: ..

by Shockie on 04/27/2003 09:18, refers to #7


we talk alot on icq..

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#10: Re: ..

by pushplay on 04/27/2003 22:17, refers to #9


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#11: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 04/29/2003 23:54

do a clan . I think i read this somwhere , but this guy had a cool idea . It was that there should be a mapping coop clan and the peaple in the clan split up in 2 parts . One does there own thing and the other two . After , they fight in there caslte (or whatever you want to make) , sounds cool hein ?

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#12: TOGoS conventions

by TOGoS on 11/06/2004 04:30

These are the slightly different instructions I give people to use my server:

TOGoS Co-op Edit Cube Server
Updated 2004-11-05

Please read this entire file before joining my server. Reading and
understanding the contents of this file will help to ensure a good
co-op editing experience for all :)

To connect to the TOGoS Co-Op Edit Server, enter

/connect <my-ip-address>

at the console.

/connect togos-win

may work if you have me in your hosts file :D

We will always be editing a map called \"coopedit\". By always using
the same map name (\"coopedit\"), we never have to vote to change the
map. This makes things vastly simpler.

To make things easier for yourself (and less error-prone for everyone),
enter the following functions in your autoexec.cfg. If you don\'t know
what that means, just open autoexec.cfg in your cube directory with a
text editor, copy and paste the following code to the end of that file,
and save it before starting cube:

alias csavemap [
// Save coop edit map and upload to server
savemap coopedit
alias csm $csavemap

alias csavemapb [
// Save coop edit map, backup, and upload to server
savemap coopedit
savemap $arg1
alias csmb $csavemapb

alias ceinit [
mode 1
map coopedit

If someone new logs on, they will need to get an updated map from the
server. Everyone currently playing should then stop changing stuff,
and one person should upload the current map to the server by using
the \'csavemap\' function, given above. The newcomer can then \'/getmap\',
, tell everyone when he\'s done, and the fun can resume.

Note that only one person needs to \'csavemap\'. If you want a local backup
copy, you should simply

/savemap <desired-name-for-backup>

In the (likely common) case that you are the only person on the server
when you connect, the coopedit map will not be loaded. You will need
to enter the following commands to load it:

/mode 1 // set mode to coopedit
/map coopedit // vote to use the coopedit map
/getmap // download the map from the server

Alternatively, if you have entered the functions in your autoexec.cfg
file as suggested earlier, you can simply


If you are the last person logging off the server, be sure
to \'/csavemap\' before you leave so that the next time someone
logs on they will see your changes.

Quirks to note:

Some things, such as water level, textures on mapmodels, and
addition of pickups (health, ammo), are not changed on all
clients when changed by one. In order to get the changes, the
other players must either change it themselves (the one who
changed them should announce the change so they can do so) or
the one who made the changes must upload the map so others can
re-load it. Also, pickups (ammo, health) don\'t show up
everywhere and act weird until the level is re-loaded by everyone.

That is all. Good luck!

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#13: ..

by CK|Davros on 11/06/2004 11:08

A co-op edit server! yay!

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#14: Re: ..

by J-C-D-P-C on 11/06/2004 22:39, refers to #13

look at the dates on the thread... the server may not be up anymore

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#15: ..

by CK|Davros on 11/07/2004 13:56

well it is...
anyone want to arrange a bit of co-op editing ;-)
There seems to be a half-done map on there.

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#16: dates..

by CK|Davros on 11/07/2004 14:00

It was posted yesterday..

#12: TOGoS conventions

by TOGoS on 11/06/2004 04:30

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#17: ..

by makkE on 11/08/2004 00:59

whoha that map is huge!
Too bad it´s quite unplayabe... but some fine piece of art in a way.. how many ppl have worked on it?

Too bad that server seems to be too far away for my 56k..

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