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Patch for random freezing on Linux + NVIDIA

by eihrul on 12/07/2008 05:49, 9 messages, last message: 01/18/2009 17:25, 3665 views, last view: 05/01/2024 09:20

Okay, after what has been probably one of the longest debugging sessions ever (several years), I finally tracked down the source of this bug: a threading bug in the SDL_mixer sound library, which was always causing crashes inside NVIDIA's driver. That is the short of it; the long of it is oh-so-long.

So, here ya go, a patch for you Linux users, which should be unpacked over your existing sauerbraten directory:

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#1: ..

by kripken on 12/08/2008 21:43

On behalf of Linux users, thank you! :)

So SDL_mixer caused crashes inside NVidia's driver? Sounds interesting, any chance you can elaborate further or point me to where I can read more?

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#2: Re: ..

by eihrul on 12/08/2008 22:20, refers to #1


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#3: Re: ..

by kripken on 12/09/2008 13:16, refers to #2


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#4: ..

by Grogan on 12/12/2008 22:36

I occasionally (for a long time) have had a problem where sauerbraten crashes (leaving it frozen on the screen). It doesn't freeze my system, or harm my X session or anything. I just have to ctrl-alt-F2 and log in on another tty and kill sauerbraten and then I can ctrl-alt-F7 to go back to my old session and even launch sauerbraten again.

I could never seem to get it to happen when running it through gdb, it wasn't something that happened all the time. I just chocked it up to Nvidia bullshit.

It sounds like this might be it, because if I ctrl-alt-backspace to kill the X server. I'll see SDL crash handler messages on screen.

Thanks for the patch, I'll unpack/overwrite and recompile and hope that's it.

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#5: ..

by Quin on 01/02/2009 01:17


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#6: Message censored by administrator

by ZGMF-X20A on 01/02/2009 01:31

#7: Message censored by administrator

by Quin on 01/02/2009 02:06, refers to #6

#8: windows users patch?

by SomeGuy on 01/18/2009 17:22

i'm currently (stuck) with Vista, my graphics card is Nvidia. Up until recently it's started to randomly crash, i've shaders off and anything that'd slow it down, but it still crashes and stuff. anyways, is there gonna be a patch for windows at all or is it just a problem with my own computer?

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#9: nevermind..

by SomeGuy on 01/18/2009 17:25

just noticed there already was a patch, just forgot about it after having to move everythin onto my laptop and such....

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