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AssaultCube v1.0 released!

by >driAn<. on 11/21/2008 23:26, 9 messages, last message: 11/26/2008 00:32, 3075 views, last view: 04/30/2024 12:58

After over a year of development AssaultCube v1.0 is now finally released! We put a lot of effort into making this game even more fun. The new version comes with a whole lot of new features and improvements in all areas. The underlying engine, originally Cube1, has been enhanced in many ways and is pushed to its max. Not only the game and engine have matured, the whole artwork from the community like maps, textures, models and sounds give the game a brand new look and feel.

Download the Windows,Linux and Mac package @ http://assault.cubers.net/download.html

There is a 3-on-3 Team Elimination Cup being held as Release Cup, visit the cup website @ http://assault.cubers.net/cup/

Changelog of AssaultCube v1.0:


* New maps: ac_power, ac_elevation, ac_toxic, ac_urban, ac_shine, ac_desert3, ac_keller, ac_sunset, ac_arctic and ac_scaffold.
* New game modes: Hunt the flag, Keep the flag & Team keep the flag.
* Crouching, hide effectively and shoot with more precision.
* Smooth recoil changes.
* Spectator and player-following.
* Reduced violence mode.


* OpenAL 1.1 support (Allows for 5.1 surround sound).
* Footsteps, bullet ricochets and other new sound effects.
* Voice-coms, a varietey of team commands.
* Action music when stealing the CTF flag.
* Two new soundtracks (Cube 1).
* Ambient map-sounds.


* Stencil shadow support.
* Brand new mapmodels.
* Vertex lighting for mapmodels.
* Visibility options for player models.
* Custom playerskin support.
* Scorch marks made by grenades.
* Muzzle flashes.
* Bulletholes (Cube 2).
* New sniper scope.
* New text rendering (Cube 2).
* Batched model rendering.
* New startscreen and icons.
* New damage screen.


* Enhanced scoreboard asthetics and features.
* More advanced/intuitive interface for changing sound and video options.
* Keybinding menu, mouse invert support.
* Welcome menu that asks for fundamental options to be changed.
* Map and crosshair menus show ALL items from their resource directory.
* Sliders, checkboxes and text-inputs now available for menus.
* Better crosshair menu/support.
* An in-game multiplayer menu with the options that you'll specifically need while in-game, and also lists admin commands if you're administrator.
* New custom connect and admin connect menu.
* AssaultCube updates servers for you.
* Nickname, mapname and entity type auto-completion.
* When files are written to disk by the game, the game advises you.
* Game output prints scores at the end of each match in the console.
* Damage indicators in the HUD.
* Text cursor now makes a flickering effect.
* Better countdown timers for respawn.
* A compass inside the minimap.
* Support for apple meta keys.
* Mouse sensitivity is now "floating point".


* AssaultCube server wizard (which allows it to run as a windows service if needed).
* Even better netcode with various improvements.
* Customizable ports allowed for servers.
* CSL (cube server lister) support.
* Whois command.
* New masterserver implementation (OSS, ASP.NET).
* Server supports syslog loggin on Linux-like patforms.
* Auto-getmap and map config sending.
* Server can provide custom maps and learn new maps.
* When joining a server, players now connect to the smaller team.
* New extensions/plugin system for the server.
* New map storage/sending system.
* Support for admins to change the server description in-game.
* Multiple admin password support.
* Passwords to allow access for blacklisted players.
* IP Blacklisting support.
* Team shuffle command.
* Min/max player support for the maprotation - If there are too many/few players, depending on the map rotation settings, that map will be skipped in rotation.
* Auto-ban threshold for the server.
* Auto-forceteam ensures that teams are always even in team-based modes.
* The server now checks cfg files periodically and updates if any have changed.
* More secure sending of passwords to the server.
* Simple SPAM detection and suppression.
* Serverside demo recording (Cube 2).
* Searching LAN will show all LAN servers.
* Muliple IP addresses are allowed on one server.


* New "clip" entity allows easy clipping for map editors.
* Better support for mods of this game.
* "editent" command to easily edit entities.
* Flags and pickups show up in edit mode.
* "loadnotexture" command, allowing a custom texture to be loaded if the user doesn't have the correct content.
* Better playerskin support. See /docs/playerskins.html for more information.


* Configurable script security contexts to run map configs in a "sandbox".
* Multi-user support for Windows/Linux, stores your configurations/files to your user profile.
* Lots of new documentation, including user guides for map editing.
* 64-bit linux binaries now included in release.


* Map cleanups/fixes.
* Better bot waypoints.
* Quick-switch exploit fixed.
* Forceteam/autoteam/team change issues fixed.
* HUD gun no longer appears to go through walls.
* Fixed reloading while scoping issue.
* "hideradar 0" doesn't disable the minimap anymore.
* Scope is always drawn at correct aspect ratio now.
* CTF flag now drops correctly on heightfields.
* "Unknown" servers now show as "empty".
* Grenades don't fall through bridges/platforms.
* Suicides drop the flag, instead of resetting it.
* Better spawning - Players don't spawn in the same location (in arena game modes).
* "sendmap filename" will no longer write to file, unless in co-op edit mode.
* "getmap" will now get the right map, or no map.
* Securemaps now work as intended.
* Mapmodel occulling fix.
* Documentation is IE friendly
* Plus many others...


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#1: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/22/2008 00:45

Has it been that long since the last release? :) Downloading now...

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#2: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 11/23/2008 02:45, refers to #1

Very cool stuff guys! I really like what you've managed to get out of good old cube1. Feels great, too....I like the slower movement speed.

I'll have to get back into actually playing once in a while again...I got my ass kicked tonight :)

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#3: ..

by c0rdawg on 11/23/2008 07:51

Looks awesome guys, so many great things are happening in the cube/sauerbraten community lately...

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#4: Re: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/23/2008 15:06, refers to #2

Kurtis, you should consider making a rocking AC map ;)

It is amazing to see how a new generation of cubers learned the old cube1-mapping again. You might remember the first days of AssaultCube, we saw tons of shitty maps on the net back then. Now over the years we saw a huge improvement, new people produced awesome maps by getting the very best out of the engine.
All our new game/engine features would be worthless without the skilled artists that turn it into something tangible.

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#5: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 11/23/2008 17:29, refers to #4

I actually thought about that last night..any requests?

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#6: Re: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/23/2008 19:02, refers to #5

As discussed on irc.. :)

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#7: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2008 19:44

The new version is pretty good! The footsteps are a very nice feature, although when I looked at the code, I could have sworn you somehow stole the code I made for my little sauer project :)
The muzzle flashes are not as distracting as some games (almost perfect, actually).
The new scope is nice. I seem to remember seeing it on Quadropolis.
The rest of the new features are quite nice, too.

Quality stuff!

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#8: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/23/2008 23:27

Thanks for the feedback..
And no, I actually wrote the footsteps myself ;)

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#9: sourceforge

by >driAn<. on 11/26/2008 00:32

Goode news, we climbed up to rank 19 of all sourceforge projects :)


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