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UT-like killing spree/double kill announcement patch

by poomon on 11/17/2008 20:06, 19 messages, last message: 04/10/2009 16:19, 2691 views, last view: 04/26/2024 01:47


I've been trying to make a *dirty* small hack to implement UT-like announcement feature to sauer.
It seems to work nearly as i expected. but sure its not perfect.
When an enemy team had a bunch of noobs and you could make a monsterkill, all of award announces are not often played because, i think, some of them are dropped by the burst prevention in playsound().

Is there any way to queue sounds that are not important and/or realtime-sensitive like spree voices?
Could you tell me if you have improvements, ideas and code?

(='x'=) thanks!

(put sound files into "packages/sounds/ut/spree/")

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#1: been there

by kurtis84 on 11/18/2008 00:59

Sauer used to have a similar feature. That should tell you how popular it was.

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#2: ..

by absinth_grrr on 11/18/2008 01:19

>Sauer used to have a similar feature.
>That should tell you how popular it was.

i thought i had played every release starting with developer_only but i can't remember that feature at all...

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#3: ..

by Acord on 11/18/2008 01:30

Implemented in Blood Frontier already - take a look at the source :)

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#4: ..

by kurtis84 on 11/18/2008 03:28

Well, I mean the announcer stuff in general. I should have been more to the point.

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#5: ..

by Quin on 11/18/2008 13:31

I'm actually surprised nobody has pointed out the copyrighted files.

I don't wanna jump in and close this thread right away, but should probably rethink this as a mod posted to Quadropolis and replace the sounds from UT with free-er ones. We shouldn't be a party to sharing copyrighted material.

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#6: ..

by poomon on 11/18/2008 15:13

thanks for pointing me to bloodfrontier.
I'll try to learn how BF handles announcement.

Regarding sound files, those are intended for testing purpose only and obviously not for implying inclusion to Sauer.
I should have clearly remarked about it in first post.

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#7: Re: ..

by Quin on 11/18/2008 22:31, refers to #6

Even so, you do not have permission to distribute those files. This means you are breaking the law.

I don't mean to be a party pooper, its all well and a good effort, but the integrity of open source development rests on the fact that we honour licenses and don't steal other people's work.

And yeah, we already did this for Blood Frontier - where I wrote the code and voiced/mixed the announcer for this myself. It's hardly anything fancy beyond adding to the match-play effect.

I mean, you're welcome to use my sounds in a limited scope - although I haven't done multikill announcements etc, but who knows maybe I will implement them myself and make some.

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#8: ..

by tentus_ on 11/18/2008 22:40

I too have made some voiceovers which are open for use:
If you wish to use them then knock yourself out, but Quin is right that we need to *NOT* redistribute files we don't have rights for, even if it's for example or educational use. Please just swap the contents of the linked-to files out, or we'll have to close this thread just to cover our own hides.

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#9: ..

by poomon on 11/19/2008 17:21, refers to #8

thanks for your works.

And to keep the board as clean as a fab's cleanroom, that sound files ripped from a pk3 of ET NoQuarter are removed.

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#10: ..

by Fischkopf on 04/06/2009 15:53

How can i make it work on windows?

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#11: ..

by Younes on 04/06/2009 19:01

Removed ?
*i came too late*

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#12: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/06/2009 19:20, refers to #11

Better than coming to early. </lame>

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#13: ..

by poomon on 04/06/2009 19:40

Younes, it might be a good chance to record your own voices then use them instead.

Otherwise i dont know why but the NoQuarter(ET mod)[1] distribution archive seems to have voice files very similar to UT's one. hmm weird. (`p')

cd /tmp
mkdir nq; cd nq
unrar e ~/downloads/noquarter_b1.1.0.rar
unzip noquarter_b1.1.0.pk3 sound/spree/\*

[1] http://shitstorm.org/noquarter/wiki/index.php?title=No_Quarter_Mod#No_Quarter_Mod_1.1.0-1.2.0

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#14: ..

by Fischkopf on 04/06/2009 19:52

No chance to make this work in windows?

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#15: ..

by poomon on 04/06/2009 20:27

Fischkopf, it should work on Windows.
All you have to know is:

1) how to apply a patch generated by unix
diff command.
2) how to build/compie Cube2 on windows.

Unfortunately i'm not of much help on those becauses i have neither Windows system nor experience.

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#16: ..

by Younes on 04/08/2009 18:01

There are some other games out there that use the same announcement feature of UT.

Like this one :
Who knows, may be it can be implemented on Sauerbraten...

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#17: Oh man...

by tentus_ on 04/08/2009 19:33

I just realized that should someone make a working announcer mod, the first thing I'm going to have to do is make a food pack.

Splattered --> Ketchup'd
Killing Spree --> Baking Spree
Dominating --> Marinating
Flag dropped --> Crust burned

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#18: Message censored by administrator

by Destroyer on 04/10/2009 16:04

#19: oh no

by Destroyer on 04/10/2009 16:19

Wrong thread sorry!

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