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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

"could not load texture..."

by combatwombat on 11/15/2008 14:20, 5 messages, last message: 11/17/2008 19:24, 918 views, last view: 04/21/2024 07:29

Hey Guys, brand new on gaming on Linux/Ubuntu.

I installed Sauerbraten on an ubuntu 64 8.04.

No matter what server I jump on to, I get massive amounts of \"could not load texture...\" and the game is completely unplayable.

What am I missing?

Screenshots are looking nice though, hope to be up and running soon..

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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 11/15/2008 17:44

you're not using the version distributed in either the universe or multiverse (I forgot which, and I'm too lazy to check :P) repos are you?

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#2: ..

by combatwombat on 11/17/2008 17:51

Thanx for responding,

I first installed the version from the ubuntu 8.04 repo's. Couldnt play online as all servers ran a different (later) version. I then picked up the 0.0.20080620-0 version from getdeb.net.

Compiling the latest from this site didn't work either, couldn't compile it without errors.

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#3: ..

by combatwombat on 11/17/2008 17:53

- I have both "universe" and "multiverse" enabled.

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#4: Can't be bothered to strip backslashes

by noerrorsfound_hates_this_forum! on 11/17/2008 18:45

When I restore my cookie for my original account I can always see the post form but posting doesn\'t do anything other than take me back to the page. So I lost my reply to you. [Second attempt by just changing the name and e-mail didn\'t work either...good thing I copied the response. Let\'s see if it works now that I\'ve cleared my cookies.]

The reason for the errors compiling the \"true\" version from this site is because you\'re missing the development versions of the libraries. For example, you need not just sdl_image1.2 but sdl_image1.2-dev or something like that. I just check the compile errors and try to figure out what package I need from that.

I\'m guessing you have 64-bit Linux? 32-bit binaries are provided. I\'ve compiled 64-bit binaries fine, so just sort out those missing libraries and it will work.

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#5: ..

by combatwombat on 11/17/2008 19:24

Ok, I see...

It would be... practical, if this site would just link to any new libraries in the download section if any new ones are needed whenever a new sauerkraten-version is released.

Thanx anyways.

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