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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Game server speeds

by Sawyer on 03/28/2003 08:59, 4 messages, last message: 09/12/2003 15:54, 739 views, last view: 04/09/2024 04:49

I would like to see a multiplayer game where the running speeds are slowed down, this may be just me because im old as hell but....

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#1: sorry

by Aardappel on 03/28/2003 18:19

but no ;)

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#2: ..

by Skaus on 03/28/2003 18:57

Actually, the mod i'm working on has slower movement. However, i have no idea whatsoever when or IF it will be released, or what exactly it's gonna be :P

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#3: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/18/2003 07:01

i like it the way it is whats 2 be changed, u make your mod the way you want it but i think Aard it the running speeds right on the dot not to fast and not to slow

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#4: Speed...

by Pxtl on 09/12/2003 15:54

Well, right now it plays like Quake 1. Quake 1 is pretty friggin' fast. However, there are those of us who prefer other games with different movement models. Doom (with autorun) is outrigth faster than Q1, but also slippery as hell, so the action isn't as jerky and aiming isn't quite as difficult. Alternately, there's Q2 that is a little slower, but with fast jumping. Then there's us UT players, who're used to a pleasantly sluggish pace so that we can keep our minds on our overcomplicated weapons, and slow, soaring jumps. With the dodge commands to mix it up a little.

Ideally a simple mod could be created to do this. If anyone wants to make the pathetic crawling action of CS on Cube, they're free too.

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