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Cube Code wrong?

by MisanthropX on 11/05/2008 14:30, 9 messages, last message: 11/07/2008 11:37, 1534 views, last view: 04/01/2024 05:12

hi guys.. i dont know whats wrong with my script =P
and was also asking in our forum and others but we dont get it..

i try to make this code shorter:

guibutton "spec " [if (= $cnchoose0 1) [spectator 1 0] ; if (= $cnchoose1 1) [spectator 1 1] ; if (= $cnchoose2 1) [spectator 1 2] ; if (= $cnchoose3 1) [spectator 1 3] ; if (= $cnchoose4 1) [spectator 1 4] ; if (= $cnchoose5 1) [spectator 1 5] ; if (= $cnchoose6 1) [spectator 1 6] ; if (= $cnchoose7 1) [spectator 1 7] ; if (= $cnchoose8 1) [spectator 1 8] ; if (= $cnchoose9 1) [spectator 1 9] ; if (= $cnchoose10 1) [spectator 1 10] ]

simple.. isnt it? cnchoose = variable of checkbox for ppl if somone is choosed like the CN 4.. the variable cnchoose4 will get the new value 1

now i tried this:

aplus = [ a = (+ $a 1) ]
guibutton "spec " [a = 0 ; while (< $a 15) [ if (= (concatword cnchoose $a) 1) [spectator 1 $a] ; aplus ] ]

but it wont work

and i dont know why o.o actually it should work

oh and ps.. i made 15 player slots (just for try) everyone have a own variable / cn so if i (mX|MisanthropX) is CN 0 i will be the variable cnchoose0

i hope you can help
thanks - Misa

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#1: Try...

by Hirato Kirata on 11/05/2008 23:07


loop i 15 [
guibutton (format "spec %1" $i) [spectator 1 $i]

if you want to spec everyone at once, which I think you're trying to do, try...

guibutton "Spec all" [loop i 16 [specator 1 $i]]

and all I ca find wrong with your script by looking at it, is this part

(= (concatword cnchoose $a) 1)
it merges 2 strings, so you end up with... saying a was 0
(= cnchoose0 1)
what's wrong with that statement? the $ before the cnchoose, so this should suit your script, despite the fact I think it's not that... clean
(= (getalias (concatword cnchoose $a)) 1)

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#2: Re: Try...

by MisanthropX on 11/05/2008 23:13, refers to #1

i dont want to spec all at once ;)

i try to make a master control panel

everyone has a checkbox so i can choose them and then spec/unspec/kick or move them in a team etc.

and i want to spec only the ppl who are choosen but i try what you said.. ty

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#3: sorry for doublepost:

by MisanthropX on 11/05/2008 23:18, refers to #2

i did that now:

guilist [
guibutton "spec " [ while (< $a 15) [ if (= (getalias (concatword client $a)) 1) [spectator 1 $a] ; aplus ] ]
guibutton "unspec " [ while (< $a 15) [ if (= (getalias (concatword client $a)) 1) [spectator 0 $a] ; aplus ] ]
guibutton "kick " [ while (< $a 15) [ if (= (getalias (concatword client $a)) 1) [kick $a] ; aplus ] ]

still wont work..

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#4: Re: sorry for doublepost:

by eihrul on 11/06/2008 06:52, refers to #3

You must do:

while [< $a 15] [...stuff here...]

note the [< $a 15] instead of (< $a 15). If you surround it with ()s, that expression is evaluted to a single result 0 BEFORE while sees it. So the []s pass it a block of code it can re-evaluate each time.

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#5: .still..

by MisanthropX on 11/06/2008 15:26

still wont work.. i tried a few combinations but it wont work..

guilist [
guibutton "select all " [ a = 0 ; while [ (< $a 15 ) ] [ (concatword client $a) = 1 ; aplus ] ]
guibutton "deselect all " [ a = 0 ; while [ (< $a 15 ) ] [ (concatword client $a) = 0 ; aplus ] ]

guibutton "spec " [ a = 0 ; while [ (< $a 15) ] [ if (= (getalias ((concatword client $a)) 1 ) [spectator 1 $a ; echo $a "has been specced" ] ; aplus ] ]

.. now the script specs all o.o (yes even if i choosed no one)

sigh i uploaded whole script here :

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#6: Re: .still..

by Quin on 11/06/2008 19:41, refers to #5

You didn't read eihrul's post properly, that's why.

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#7: ..

by MisanthropX on 11/06/2008 20:34

í did.. i should put it in [ ] the condition..

i also did
but wont work
so like i said: i tried a few combinations...
(even if its [ ( ) ] on the readme..

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#8: ..

by Quin on 11/06/2008 21:22

a) while [] NOT while [()]
b) avoid things like this: ((concatword client $a)), you're evaluating this twice which would probably come out as "" (or better known as 'null'), brackets etc matter.
c) try a cubescript tutorial or look at other people's scripts for ideas on how things work

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#9: ..

by MisanthropX on 11/07/2008 11:37

actually im an average good scripter.. im just not that good with concatword x.x

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