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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Posted on Quentyx

by quentyx on 10/27/2008 22:38, 7 messages, last message: 10/29/2008 01:29, 1285 views, last view: 04/16/2024 09:51

I would just like to notify the Cube community that I have written a review of Sauerbraten, and posted it on my blog Quentyx.com. The review is almost entirely positive, with points taken off only for the lack of features in the base Sauerbraten game. However, the game is of a very high quality and is overall a quite enjoyable game. If you would like to read the full review, go to http://quentyx.com/?p=78, and feel free to look at the rest of the site.


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#1: ..

by yoopers on 10/27/2008 23:04

Not to nitpick, but, well, here's a nit to pick:

s/I would reccomend Sauerbraten two anyone/I would recommend Sauerbraten to anyone/


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#2: ..

by Quin on 10/28/2008 02:06

I had already seen this page when it came up in one of my Google Alerts emails.

My only real comments are that the review is more of a generic description of the engine which could easily have just been a summary of the information on the front page website. You also neglected to mention anything about the actual game or other things in the engine / community (AC is a Cube 1 mod, not a Cube 2 mod, and hence not *directly* related to the subject of Sauerbraten - there are other Cube 2 mods).

While I don't expect people to spend weeks researching a subject, it is nice if people actually poke around before writing "reviews" which aren't really reviews. The criticsm is harsh, but if you're serious about being some sort of journalist you can't write stuff like this and expect it to fly with a real news editor.

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#3: And now for the standard paste...

by Quin on 10/28/2008 02:09

- http://assault.cubers.net/
- #assaultcube on irc.quakenet.org
Eisenstern Revival:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/eisenstern
- #eisenstern on irc.quakenet.org
Blood Frontier:
- http://bloodfrontier.com/
- #bloodfrontier on irc.freenode.net
PA Kids Sandbox:
- http://www.kids.platinumarts.net/
- #sandbox on irc.oftc.net
- http://blog.plubble.com/

- http://www.quadropolis.us/
Community Blog: (less useful atm)
- http://cubedev.blogspot.com/

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#4: Re: ..

by quentyx on 10/28/2008 13:25, refers to #2

I was going for a more generic review, rather than an in-depth review. I designed it to be a quick read, so that the readers could go out and make a decision for themselves. Also, I said that AssaultCube was one of two "major spinoffs using the Cube engine"-not Sauerbraten. However, I will take your recommendations into consideration, and edit my review.

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#5: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 10/28/2008 13:53, refers to #4

Perhaps a "after the jump" style approach would be more fulfilling? Throw up a one paragraph summary for people who just want an overview, and then elaborate more after the jump, perhaps with screenshots and such as well. I use a similar system on my art website, and we're all familiar with sites like Kotaku etc.

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#6: Re: ..

by quentyx on 10/28/2008 14:54, refers to #5

tentus, as a matter of fact, that is a very good idea. I will most definitely pursue that idea!

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#7: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/29/2008 01:29, refers to #6

Good job on taking feedback well and following through :o)

Sauerbraten/Cube has hundreds of 'generic' reviews out there on the internet, most done by people who have not bothered to do their research. What's better is a well informed article, if you can pull it off!

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