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Idea for a new gamemode...please think trough.

by Tymon on 10/25/2008 23:22, 11 messages, last message: 12/12/2010 15:00, 1883 views, last view: 04/24/2024 08:29, closed on 12/12/2010 15:10

Face it, Cube 2 is mostly known for its real time editor..so why not input a mode were it uses this feature in game?

Here is my idea.

It is called battle of the gods it is a team based game.

Their will be "relics" scattered and hidden trough out the map,and 1 relic at each teams spawn point,to make things interesting.

Now If 1 person captures a relic he becomes a "god" and goes into edit mode!(P.s once your a god you CANNOT go back to normal mode.


"Frags made by the gods do not count this is to say that gods must help the mortals on the field but without the mortals they can't do frags so the team must have a balance between mortals and gods."

If his relic gets recaptured, he loses his god powers and the person who captured it gets god powers!

Now when going to edit mode we have to remove some features if this is gonna work

Features to be removed(for this mode only of course...)

-Change grid size
To make things harder for the gods you should not be able to change grid size so no one would spam the game in 5 seconds.

-Edit anything other but cubes
Mapmodles,entitys etc should NOT be editable by the god so relics,ammo etc etc stays in its correct place.But gods can still dig trough walls and floors and make water,lava and all of the other types.Also textures should not be editable since you are going to have to edit..FAST! And all of the other tools like newmap insert mapmodel etc only thing a god should be able to edit is cubes.

-The very last wall should not be editable.
The very last end of a wall or cube should not be deletable this is to stop people from creating holes that are just plain annoying.

-Pass trough walls
Again to make things more interesting remove the ability to pass trough walls so gods won't be zipping trough the map.But do NOT remove the ability to fly.

-Have a limit on how many cubes you can edit.

You should have a limit on how big the arena should be so no one could just turn the entire map into lava. say 20 by 20 cubes?

-No frags

Frags made by the gods do not count this is to say that gods must help the mortals on the field but without the mortals they can't do frags so the team must have a balance between mortals and gods.


-using the real-time editor in a game mode something cube 2 is famous for

-Original game mode cannot be found in any other game.

I have no experience in programming but I don't think this should be too hard to implement also as most of the stuff needed is already their.


-New players,trolls who get god powers may spam up the game or not help "Mortals" on the field.

-May be a bit laggy

-Players who join after the game has started have to use the /getmap command.

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#1: Legos.

by demosthenes on 10/26/2008 00:33

"I have no experience in programming but I don't think this should be too hard to implement also as most of the stuff needed is already their."

Ah, the good old Legos analogy.

Programming isn't building things with Legos unless:

You begin with a single acorn.
You grow a tree.
You chop down the tree.
You hand-carve all of the pieces you need individually and in odd shapes.
You make sure each pieces is carved perfectly to millimeter tolerances.
You carefully fit those pieces together.

So to add a new gamemode using that many existing pieces would be like recarving a large portion of the pieces you've already painstakingly handcarved. Into completely different shapes.

In other words, it could get added, but it's almost certainly not as easy as you think it is.

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#2: ..

by Quin on 10/26/2008 03:18


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#3: ..

by blikje bier on 10/26/2008 07:43


Two ways to score points in this type of game. You can score points by grabbing the chicken that is running around the map. Once you have the chicken you can not let go of it nor can you use your weapons, but you will score points for the time you can hold the chicken in your hands.

The other way to score points is for those who do not hold the chicken trying to kill the one who has the chicken, using a less powerfull weapon results in more points gained for a kill, most points will be scored by using your melee weapon.

So we will have player with a chicken in hands being chased by the others trying to beat him to death.

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#4: Waste

by MisanthropX/Redon on 10/26/2008 11:46

Devs shouldnt waste time to create another unnecesary game mode..
they rather should improve game play.. monster ai. and more things to configure.
i think that would be better then adding something really annoying like.. regen capture.. or..slowmo sp.. or insta assa clan capture ctf arena.

the devs should rather IMPROVE old game modes.. and more things to configure.. like.. how long a game will be, what weapons are allowed, .. etc..

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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/26/2008 11:53, refers to #3

This sounds like a gamemode for Redneck Rampage. Ah, how fun it can be running around chucking dynamite at chickens.. uh yeah :P

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#6: ..

by CCmachine_ubuntu-desktop on 10/26/2008 13:42

new gamemode idea != mod proposition

neat idea but, there's always the problem of lightmaps. go onto a map and start editing, you'll notice the lighting freaks out. there's no real solution.

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#7: ..

by ~Redon~ on 10/26/2008 14:41

I dont think that this would work, because sauer lights arent dynamic. Did you ever try to see what happens if you delete a wall of a default map in sauer?

@misan: please dont call yourself "Misantrophx/redon" when i have nothing to do with you post :|

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#8: ..

by Tymon on 10/26/2008 20:58

This was simply a suggestion I never expected it to be implemented.

Yes the light problem would be well ruin everything but the point I'm trying to get accross is that cube 2 has an almost perfect(I believe that nothing is perfect so :P)map editor and I think their should be more modes then coop edit.


Two ways to score points in this type of game. You can score points by grabbing the chicken that is running around the map. Once you have the chicken you can not let go of it nor can you use your weapons, but you will score points for the time you can hold the chicken in your hands.

The other way to score points is for those who do not hold the chicken trying to kill the one who has the chicken, using a less powerfull weapon results in more points gained for a kill, most points will be scored by using your melee weapon.

So we will have player with a chicken in hands being chased by the others trying to beat him to death. "

This actually sounds like a good idea!! XD

"Ah, the good old Legos analogy.

Programming isn't building things with Legos unless:

You begin with a single acorn.
You grow a tree.
You chop down the tree.
You hand-carve all of the pieces you need individually and in odd shapes.
You make sure each pieces is carved perfectly to millimeter tolerances.
You carefully fit those pieces together.

So to add a new gamemode using that many existing pieces would be like recarving a large portion of the pieces you've already painstakingly handcarved. Into completely different shapes.

In other words, it could get added, but it's almost certainly not as easy as you think it is. "

That made me laugh XD but I'm going have to take your word for it as the only program I did is text based hangman using pascal :P.

here's a cookie


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#9: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/26/2008 21:50, refers to #6

"new gamemode idea != mod proposition"

It does when you understand the fact that Sauerbraten isn't looking to add new game modes, anybody interested in doing such things would be making a mod, like Freezetag was.

There is a reason the "Most Wanted Feature" thread was removed from the forum, it gives the false impression that Sauerbraten is looking for new features and ideas when it is in fact not. At this point, as a whole, the gameplay in Sauerbraten should be considered "final", anything from here on in is a bonus - and purely at the whim of the developers affections.

I personally feel lucky we finally have CTF - because at one point it was a lost cause asking for it. So remember the old saying: "You shoot stuff, the end."

With Cube Engine 2 finally being considered mature there are a ton of ideas and projects floating around already, we're at a point where we can start pursuing our own ideas and game types.

So, my advice is to stop fighting against the current and join up with one of them projects. There's some great work being done in other parts of this community that people are totally missing, we need more hands not more ideas - there's already plenty of those flying around and I'd really like to encourage people to be useful/productive instead :)

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#10: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/27/2008 12:51, refers to #9

- http://assault.cubers.net/
- #assaultcube on irc.quakenet.org
Eisenstern Revival:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/eisenstern
- #eisenstern on irc.quakenet.org
Blood Frontier:
- http://bloodfrontier.com/
- #bloodfrontier on irc.freenode.net
PA Kids Sandbox:
- http://www.kids.platinumarts.net/
- #sandbox on irc.oftc.net
- http://blog.plubble.com/

A not-quite-so-useful-yet blog relating to Cube Development is also available at http://cubedev.blogspot.com/ - where all these things go depends on *YOU*, the community!

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#11: ..

by MushroomQuillrForumFats on 12/12/2010 15:00

yeah just mod it i think

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