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Sauerbraten Google Group

by Titanic12ship on 10/12/2008 03:38, 8 messages, last message: 10/25/2008 18:54, 1296 views, last view: 04/13/2024 20:25

Hi all, I have recently started work on a Sauerbraten Google group. I know there are already others, but they don't really have many members. On this group, you can discuss Sauer-related things, create Sauer-themed pages, upload and download Sauer-related files, and more. Joining is not that hard, but the system is not automated (you can't just enter the required info and hit join and become a member right away, I need to approve you so the group can't get spammed as easily.) There's a lot you can do, and it's fairly easy to use. I hope I'm not annoying anyone, I just thought I'd let everyone know.

You might ask, "What is so good about this new group?" Well, for one thing, you can create your own Sauerbraten pages and customize them to your liking. You can upload Sauer files easily. You can view other members' profiles with ease. And more.

Please take some time to look at this group and comment on it, and maybe even join it. This is not meant to take over Quadropolis and/or this website, it's just something extra for the average Sauerbraten user, the Sauerbraten newbie, and the Sauerbraten addict/expert.

Your comments can be good or bad, but first at least look at the group for a couple of minutes before you comment on it.

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#1: Uh.

by demosthenes_ on 10/12/2008 08:47

"I know there are already others, but they don't really have many members."

And yet you follow the wrong path for gaining memebers. Growing one of the other Google Groups to critical mass would probably be a better expenditure of time, and then features can be added or a migration can happen if necessary. Grow the community first.

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#2: Re: Uh.

by Titanic12ship on 10/12/2008 15:35, refers to #1

I would, but I'm not a member or manager, and I just don't want to spend time growing a group that I'm not even a member of. And, even if I do become a member, I would still like to be a manager if I was going to grow someone's group that has the same topic as my group.

A response to your last sentence:

I am trying to grow my group/community. There's really nothing else I can do to improve it. I set the welcome message, added a custom icon, tweaked the settings, created some topics on the discussions page, even tested the join feature by logging in as an antonymous person and following the steps to becoming a member. So now that I've done all that to it, I think it's time to start growing it.

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#3: Link

by Titanic12ship on 10/12/2008 15:38

I keep forgetting to post the link! Well, here it is. Enjoy.


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#4: Why?

by qubodup on 10/12/2008 23:43

Hey Titanic,

It seems that that Google group of yours doesn\'t offer anything that this community doesn\'t have already (forum, wiki, quadropolis).

May I ask how you think this group can help the community? Or how it is superior to the existing tools or how it fills a niche?

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#6: Re: Why?

by Titanic12ship on 10/15/2008 03:34, refers to #4

Well, not really. (talking about your first paragraph.) First of all, the wiki is really a public wealth of Sauerbraten help and information, not a place where people can created a page for a map they made, or a huge error they encountered while playing Sauer. Second of all, in quadropolis, you can't put more than one screenshot of your level, and you can't customize the page's colors and fonts. Like I said before, this is not supposed to take over anything. It does have some features that Quadropolis and the wiki don't, though, like those I previously mentioned. As for the forum, there's nothing better about the forum on the group than this forum, so I have to agree with you on that.

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#7: Re: Why?

by kurtis84 on 10/25/2008 16:13, refers to #6

This happens in every gaming community. Several different people think they each have a better idea than the previous....so instead of trying to better whats already at hand, and making ONE really nice community site/forum/etc., we end up with little groups of people on various sites...and none of each "group" knows what the rest of the community is doing.

This forum, the wiki, and quadropolis covers EVERYTHING a person should need for Sauer/cube. I suppose theres nothing wrong with making other sites that cover the same info, but it makes it harder for the new people interested in sauer/cube to find all info needed.

I personaly do not care about "customising pages/fonts"...I care about information. A plain white page with black text works great for info...anything else is just silly, imho.

And as for sharing maps, thats what quadropolis is for...post a map, a screenie or two, and a few paragraphs about the map.

Join the community...don't spread it around more!!

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#8: Re: Why?

by absinth_grrr on 10/25/2008 18:42, refers to #7

>I personaly do not care about "customising pages/fonts"...I care about information.
>A plain white page with black text works great for info...anything else is just silly, imho.


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#9: Re: Why?

by tentus_ on 10/25/2008 18:54, refers to #8

>I personaly do not care about "customising pages/fonts"...I care about information.
>A plain white page with black text works great for info...anything else is just silly, imho.

Level Up! (Though admittedly, I prefer a little bit of css to make pages more visually different: for example, a brown bg with yellow links...)

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