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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube demolisioning psyics.

by frostyraver on 10/01/2008 18:41, 4 messages, last message: 10/02/2008 02:57, 890 views, last view: 04/30/2024 15:11, closed on 10/02/2008 09:53

Would it be possible to demolish buildings? I mean even if they demolished to tiny cube bits or bend on impact, each square would have to be textured on the fly to mirror what blew up or something.

Shouldn't be to difficult, just explosion + delete an amount of blocks. Then reload map after reset :).

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#1: ..

by Kaomè on 10/01/2008 19:01

You forgot to recalculate lightmap. And that's way too slow tu be used as it. Sauerbraten would need dynamic lights before that I think.

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#2: Lightmaps.

by demosthenes on 10/01/2008 19:01

Yes, if you wish to use an infinite number of pre-rendered lightmaps, or use all dynamic lights and shadows.

Hint: Neither one of those is currently done in Sauer, and neither will be coded into the main project any time soon.

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#3: Re: Lightmaps.

by SheeEttin on 10/01/2008 21:12, refers to #2

Sauer has dynamic lights. The rocket and grenade projectiles have dynamic lights, for example.

If you use one dynlight for the sun and destroy the lights for the sun, it's possible. I don't know what kind of performance you'd get, though.

There was a short discussion on cutscenes somewhere. I don't know if that was you, because I can't find it right now, but you could certainly play a video to show the destruction and load a "destroyed" map afterwards.

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#4: Re: Lightmaps.

by demosthenes_ on 10/02/2008 02:57, refers to #3

I know Sauer has dynamic lights. I said *all* dynamic lights.

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