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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by kernegal on 09/06/2008 19:36, 14 messages, last message: 09/26/2008 03:30, 1889 views, last view: 04/25/2024 04:44

hello all.
I want to know if I can put a headlight to the player using a script or something else that can turn on and of and how I can do this

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#1: Yes, but...

by demosthenes on 09/07/2008 04:19

You can, but you'd have to program it yourself into a mod.

Or: Write a shader and use that with a gamma change to emulate a headlight. It'd be only local, but it would probably work.

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#2: Re: Yes, but...

by SheeEttin on 09/07/2008 05:34, refers to #1

I was going to suggest a model, like the vweps.

Of course, it all depends on what he wants... if it's just a cosmetic change, a model would certainly work. If he wants flashlight-style functionality, then yeah, a shader'd probably do it.

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#3: Re: Yes, but...

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 09/07/2008 12:10, refers to #2

Or a permanent dynlight infront of the player?

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#4: ..

by kernegal on 09/07/2008 17:55

the thing that I want is a light that moves with the player and can turn of or turn on that iluminates a cone in front of you, or a weapon that do the same thing

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#5: ..

by furroy on 09/07/2008 19:40

i think a shader is pretty much your only option to have the light change/move in real time.

good luck with this - keep us all posted.

i'd start here:


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#6: Re: ..

by scanf on 09/07/2008 19:50, refers to #4

Are you talking about a flashlight?

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#7: ..

by kernegal on 09/07/2008 21:15

my originial idea was a flashlight in the head(something similar to the headlight of the vrml in the avatar(for the people that don't know, is a programing languge for making 3d worlds)) but later I had the idea to have a flashlight, a torch or something similar, but I thinked that is much easier the first idea

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#8: ..

by kernegal on 09/07/2008 21:20

I forget to ask what are the link that furroy send me and to sai that I don't have any idea to start and I don't know c++

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#9: ..

by furroy on 09/08/2008 01:01

well the good news is you don't need to know c++ - just opengl shader language.

the bad news its just as hard and if you can't program you're pretty much out of luck here...

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#10: ..

by kernegal on 09/08/2008 10:31

and what file I need to modify or create?

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#11: Re: ..

by Q009 on 09/08/2008 18:11, refers to #10

stdshader.cfg - there are all shaders used in sauerbraten, ALL SHADERS (bloom, glare, shadows, shadowmap, water effects, bump maps, etc....)

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#12: ..

by JBridge on 09/14/2008 09:13

Just make a command to add a dynamic light to wherever you're looking at. That's what Half-Life 1 does.

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#13: ..

by kernegal on 09/16/2008 17:10

how can I do it?

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#14: A possible solution

by JBridge on 09/26/2008 03:30

You could try putting a dynamic light wherever the player is looking at. That's how the flashlight worked in Half-Life. It wouldn't look that good, but that's what Sauer can do right now. This ain't Doom 3.

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