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by fhdsjkconorfdskhj on 08/13/2008 07:37, 7 messages, last message: 08/14/2008 05:20, 1043 views, last view: 04/22/2024 17:43

Is it possible for Sauerbraten to support heightmaps (Like the black and white images)?

I know they support something like that if you make it with numbers:


But what about images?

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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 08/13/2008 08:12

sauerbraten does support heightmaps, if ou mean the depth maps that're applied to textures that use the bump*parallax*world shader

or if you mean height fields
BF has a /brushimport function if you feel like checking it out.
not that it's currently that hard to do a brush :)

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#2: yep

by Leopardson2 on 08/13/2008 08:45

Heightmaps are definitely possible mate, take a look at the default textures for some references.
(Assuming you mean specular/parallax mapping)

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#3: oops

by conorfhjkdsfhjksdfhjksd on 08/13/2008 09:14

I forgot to clarify what I meant :P

I mean for level geometry, like give a heightmap texture and have the actual cubes resemble them.

Could BloodFrontier\'s /brushimport feature be used for this?

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#4: Re: oops

by Quin on 08/13/2008 12:55, refers to #3

Well, the way heightmaps work is more like a square around the cursor that "influences" geometry in the pattern of the brush. It's not a direct "pixel for pixel" operation.

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#5: Re: oops

by SheeEttin on 08/13/2008 17:07, refers to #3

What you could do is convert the image to grayscale (or take one of RGB or HSV and use only that for grayscale) and then convert the image into numbers (one number per pixel) and then use that resulting matrix as a brush.

I'm sure you could either find a tool to do this or write one. It wouldn't be hard.

Incidentally, one (or more) of the Sim City games did this to use pre-defined terrain.

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#6: Re: oops

by SheeEttin on 08/13/2008 17:09, refers to #5

Oh, forgot something.

You'd either have to use a really small gridpower or live with a hugely scaled up version.
Either way, you probably won't get the effect you're looking for.

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#7: Re: oops

by Quin on 08/14/2008 05:20, refers to #5

Which is what BF's /brushimport does :P

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