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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Plexus: we need modelers/animators

by furroy on 08/10/2008 23:07, 1 messages, last message: 08/10/2008 23:49, 2261 views, last view: 04/27/2024 00:52

Question: What happens when you combine Second Life, World of Warcraft, FPS shooters, old school MUDS and make it all run over a peer to peer network?

Answer: Heck if we know, but we're going to find out soon!!

Plexus is an innovative open-source project seeking to do something that's never been attempted before. Currently under heavy programming development by TEAM CTHULHU, we have the coding under control. But we don't have is any artistic talent! Most importantly we don't have any toons for players to control.

Sauer fans will recognize the engine and the in game editing mode, but that's about it. It doesn't play like a FPS any more, and that's on purpose.

What we need: Two low-poly toons made in .md5mesh & .md5anim, UV mapped, textured, boned, and about a dozen animations each. One generic male toon and one female one for players to use.


Plexus, you can read more about the project here: http://blog.plubble.com

Source code lives here: http://repo.or.cz/w/SauerbratenRemote.git

TEAM CTHULHU about us: http://www.teamcthulhu.com

At this point, if you have ANY artist skills you'd be willing to donate, we'll take them! Please respond here or email furroy@gmail.com

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#1: ..

by Julius on 08/10/2008 23:49

Hmm that sure sounds like one ambitious project ;)

What will the license of the media be?

Oh and I think you will have more luck finding artists once you have progressed a bit further. Until then you don't really need the playermodels anyways.

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