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Moviecube - sauer based Machinima tool

by offtools on 08/09/2008 21:50, 15 messages, last message: 08/16/2008 01:18, 3006 views, last view: 05/02/2024 11:16

hi there,

just a short anouncement. i\\\'ve started a a total conversion for machinima production based on sauer. this project is in early stage, but some things already works. there are some videos explaining how things work in moviecube. if you\\\'re interessted just take a look.


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#1: ..

by scanf on 08/09/2008 22:34

Very cool. I'll be checking this out.

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#2: ..

by Julius on 08/09/2008 22:55

Ahh cool, just make sure you don't get away from the original code base too much as it would be a cool project to merge with other cube based games later on.

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#3: Re: Nice!

by tentus_ on 08/09/2008 23:20, refers to #2

Wow, I'm really glad that someone is working on this. Exciting times!

Julius has a good point, try and keep compatability in mind, I'm sure that other modders are going to want your features. Movie scripting has been a quiet but persistent request around here.

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#4: ..

by JadeMatrix on 08/10/2008 04:59


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#5: Re: Nice!

by offtools on 08/14/2008 10:53, refers to #3

for sure, i try to keep all changes on the engine backward compatible. at the moment i only added some functions or made some hidden methods public. so the the originial fpsgame tree will run on my changes too.


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#6: experiments on animated Textures

by offtools on 08/14/2008 14:22, refers to #5

i did some experiments on animated textures by overwriting textures. just some tests. here's a video:


i will add this to the moviecube svn soon. have fun.

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#7: Re: experiments on animated Textures

by Quin on 08/14/2008 19:20, refers to #6

How do you mean, overwriting textures?

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#8: ..

by Osbios on 08/14/2008 22:41

I think he loads a different texture cfg every Sec. to load a different texture at a specific slot to get it animated.

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#9: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/14/2008 22:48

Awesome! such possibilities!

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#10: Re: experiments on animated Textures

by offtools on 08/15/2008 05:08, refers to #7

i added a short function using glTexSubImage2D in texture.cpp. for simple texture exchange its not necessary (as Osbios showed :) ), but i need that for the live cam.

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#11: Re: experiments on animated Textures

by Quin on 08/15/2008 06:08, refers to #10

Just wondering, because I wrote some basic animated texture support in Blood Frontier that works anywhere within the engine, if it interests you (there is no interpolation though). It is supported by a texture command "<anim[:frametime[,framewidth[,frameheight]]]>" placed in front of textures that are loaded.

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#12: Re: experiments on animated Textures

by offtools on 08/15/2008 08:45, refers to #11

Thanks for the hint, for most reasons your solution is better (mapping, particle animation ...) then overwriting texture data.
i did just a small hack using glTexSubImage2d, because i need to stream live and video images to textures.

vidtexinit [device]
vidtex [nbr device] [texture]

first command open a video device (under linux). second command grabs a frame and copies data to texture.

There are different projects working
partly on similar things at the moment.
Maybe we should start a thread where the different mods sharing informations, feature requests etc.

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#13: Re: experiments on animated Textures

by Quin on 08/15/2008 12:20, refers to #13

The limit here with files is usually the hard drive and decompression, isn't it? At any rate, it was more a design consideration to mesh nicely with the rest of the engine than one of being memory conscious. One should probably not overuse animated textures anyway :)

@offtools: I wouldn't say we need another thread so much as a better way to openly share this kind of stuff. I hang around these forums alot, and if it looks like someone is doing good work, I'll collaborate with them.

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#14: ..

by Megagun_ on 08/15/2008 18:30

As someone who has recently started with testing on doing a machinima using the Sauerbraten engine, I'll say "Yay!"..

A few things I've encountered on my way that I thought could get some attention (Note that I've currently mostly done things by editing md3.cfg files, changing the 'idle' animation, rotating the player 160 degrees using the configuration file, and capturing that):

*It'd be nice if in thirdperson mode, you could rotate the camera around the player. Currently, you can't, so I had to rotate the playermodel instead, which doesn't do good for the animation.
*Currently, you can only 'freeroam' with the camera in edit mode, which shows you things like the text on lights, etc. It'd be nice if there was the ability to have a free camera that you could turn, move, and lock (!), and giving you the ability to control the player itself whilst freeroaming the camera. This way, you could put a 'surveillance camera' at a corner of a room, and then move your character through the room whilst recording.
*It'd also be nice if you were able to toggle the local player's movement speed and animation speed.
*For 'multiplayer machinima', it'd be nice if you could assign a playermodel to a single player. This way, you could have multiple playermodels roaming around your world.

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#15: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 08/16/2008 01:18

I think this is great...cut scenes?..script them in game..yay

an idea..
Separate armatures from the models so armatures can be assigned to any model, then pick the action that the armature is doing. This way, a armature's animated action could be assigned to any model that fits that armature. Could that be possible?

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