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Eisenstern back from the dead!

by NerdFencer on 08/08/2008 19:02, 50 messages, last message: 10/16/2008 19:58, 33698 views, last view: 05/18/2024 16:24

When it was said that Eisenstern was dead, a group of us got together to continue its development!

Here is a link to our Google Code Downloads page (We will try to update the download every day).

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#1: thank you

by Captain_Ahab on 08/08/2008 20:07

thank you for reviving Eisenstern

I have little or no skills, but if there is anything I can do to help...

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#2: Patches and things

by rknigh21 on 08/09/2008 11:54

First - a request. When you do a release please say whats changed.

Second - some help. sascha_silbe has some enhancements to Eisenstern at


Third - I have been doing some mods to the sauer sp mode which allows script to change monster models etc at


I may be able to help on this project as I am reasonable good at C++.

Forth - How are you going to manage this?

Robin (robin.knight@blueyonder.co.uk)

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#3: Thank you

by NerdFencer on 08/09/2008 18:25

thank you for these links, I will be sure to include them in tonight's release (doing one every day)

I will email you about how you can help (invite you to the group, code, etc.)

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#4: getting support

by Armen on 08/10/2008 10:46

A good way to get people with some technical \"hands-on\" knowledge of creating RPG elements behind this might be to post about this project on forums related to modding Morrowind and Oblivion as the style of game play you are going for seems similar to the Elder Scrolls games. It would be awesome if their free construction set was open-source, but it\'s not.






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#5: ..

by Sir Alex on 08/13/2008 07:18


Thanks for reviving Eisenstern. You've done a great jobs on the maps so far.

To tell the truth, i was actually considering making my own game based on the maps(believing that they were gpl) and the crystal space engine. But i think i'll refrain from it.

Maybe i can implement ideas in this game(i know, ideas are common). Here's a few skills that i have:
C knowlege: good, except a little rusty on pointers
C++: well.. i know C, and i understand classes and stuff, just not enough experience

Experience in Gimp, Blender; i can also get textures and stuff if needed.

Experience in website creation and administration(LAMP).

I also want to learn Python.

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#6: Nightly Builds?

by conorfhjkdsfhjksdfhjksd on 08/13/2008 09:18

How about a nightly build server? This would be good, it could just throw up a new binary every night...

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#7: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/13/2008 20:00

might try some antacid.

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#8: Re: ..

by fdhksjfhkconorfhsjkd on 08/14/2008 00:51, refers to #7

I see what you did there...

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#9: Re: Nightly Builds?

by NerdFencer on 08/14/2008 03:14, refers to #6

For now, we are just having people grab a copy from SVN on our sourceforge page.


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#10: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/14/2008 06:01, refers to #8


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#11: ..

by scanf on 08/15/2008 02:51

Is that what you take for binaries?

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#12: ..

by Kunkel on 08/17/2008 00:55

i would like to help, too... i was doing blender 3d tutorials for about half a year ... well, that's another half year ago, but sure i can refresh my knowledge and help out with MODELS, if there's an export script from .blend into your 3d format

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#13: Re: ..

by dshjkfhksdsdkjconorfdhskj on 08/17/2008 01:03, refers to #12

The engine supports MD2, MD3, MD5, and OBJ.

Unrelated question, was there ever an MD4 model format?

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#14: Re: ..

by scanf on 08/17/2008 02:14, refers to #13

Is there a MD4 format?

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#15: ..

by Acord on 08/17/2008 03:04

It was actually the Wolfenstein format.

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#16: Re: ..

by scanf on 08/17/2008 04:32, refers to #15

never new that. I just though ID had skipped a format .. lol

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#17: Re: ..

by scanf on 08/17/2008 04:36, refers to #12

Kunkel - I'll invite you to our little google group.

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#18: Low-Level coding

by blucia0a on 08/25/2008 10:29


I have been itching to make an RPG style game similar in form and content to the elder scrolls games (with which i\'ve been obsessed since Arena). I have deep deep fu in the areas of C, C++, and Perl and i have quick scripting language acquisition skills.

I have been working too long today to have focus, but does someone have the wherewithal to produce a roadmap for the project?

What amount of coding, scripting, art, etc is yet to do? What would go in a roadmap to begin with? I saw the admittedly vague TODO linked from the Saurbraten homepage, and I think it has some good (and unfortunately some bad), but I think it is a good jump-off.

anyway, i hope i can help, and i\'ll check back here soon to see if there is word from anyone stepping up as project mgr.

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#19: Re: Low-Level coding

by scanff on 08/26/2008 21:20, refers to #18

blucia0a - There is a ton to do. Pretty much everything - coding, scripting, art and music.

NerdFencer is currently organizing everything.

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#20: How-to install

by Asuraku on 08/29/2008 01:42

I'm a little new to to all this, how to I install Eisenstern on my Mac?

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