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Mah map!

by demonicpriest999999999 on 07/30/2008 22:40, 11 messages, last message: 08/05/2008 15:13, 1131 views, last view: 04/22/2024 18:47

I made mah first map! Simple CTF with two bases with way too much ammo and armor. I put so much in it so that EVERYONE can have the weapon they want, go outside and fight with enough ammo to last them. This way, ammo doesnt really become a big part in battles, deciding who wins and loses, ever.
As I said, thats a HORRIBLE screenshot. I have a few particles that you cant see because I was in editing mode at the time, and it makes the ground look like theres nothing there, which is half true. You can go under the bridge and jump up onto the map again. Its also really blurry.

Anyway, I douby that this will get into the next version of Sauer, but no problem in trying, eh? Vote for me, anyway, and leave feedback if you think I should add anything or change something.

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#1: ya um

by $k!llz on 07/30/2008 22:46

ya um the bridge looks too easy to get rocketed from in stf and to easy go get shot in insta. agg obsticles or somwthing on the bridge

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#2: o ya

by $k!llz on 07/30/2008 22:47

ahaha 2 fps but anyways the walls make u feel like your in a box and they are plain. thake them out and make i tso i u fall off the bridge u die

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#3: Re: o ya

by tentus_ on 07/30/2008 23:31, refers to #2

Dude, really. Improve your typing and, more importantly, the content of your posts. The above posts should have been one, should have had 0 typos in them, and could have been much more productive and informative to the author.


Priest, I'll try to get you some proper advice when I have time to form a complete review.

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#4: ..

by demonicpriest999999999 on 07/31/2008 01:01

Alright, I\'ll fix the bridge. I kinda wanted the walls and floor, though. They are plain, but I wanted a indoor map.

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#5: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/31/2008 01:25, refers to #4

Walls, floor, indoors, etc. is just fine, but flat, blank walls aren't.
My maps make some good examples:
My first playable map, Roundhell ( http://www.quadropolis.us/node/997 ) had next to no detail. Flat walls all 'round (literally). My next, Sandtrap Station, ( http://www.quadropolis.us/node/1417 ) still suffered from the blank-wall syndrome, though I used a combination of textures and geometry to break up the flatness. (It still isn't the best I could do, though.)

If you want a REALLY good example of a detailed, immersive map, take a look at this one: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/1474 . You can immediately tell the mapper put a lot of time and effort into creating a little world.

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#6: ..

by demonicpriest999999999 on 07/31/2008 07:11

Thanks for giving proper advice, unlike sk!llz. I'll figure something out for the walls and make the actually look good.
And next time I take a screenshot, I wont recompute the lighting at top quality possible, seeing as it lowers my FPS by around 50 or 60 and doesnt even give noticable changes >.<

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#7: meh

by Raw Toast on 08/04/2008 15:31

I actually saw this in coopedit. It\'s kinda meh.

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#8: ..

by demonicpriest999999999 on 08/05/2008 00:00

Well. thats just frickin amazing, isnt it? I only worked on it in co-op one time for a short while, and the rest was on my own. That is really frickin amazing, isnt it?

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#9: Re: meh

by scanf on 08/05/2008 08:29, refers to #7

WTF does meh mean? Please someone explain to me what meh is???? I guess I'm getting old.

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#10: ..

by scanf on 08/05/2008 08:48

OK, demon I get the idea but (my comments)

-The textures are really bad. Reminds me of a 70's disco map.

- There is also way too much ammo in the rooms.

- Beside the two rooms there is not any cover for players.

-Like I said I get your idea you just need a bit of work on it. Keep at it.

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#11: Re: meh

by SheeEttin on 08/05/2008 15:13, refers to #9

A kind of grunt, usually used to denote something average or sub-average.
Used mainly when the user doesn't have anything else to say.

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