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ideas for next sauer

by $k!llz on 07/21/2008 19:30, 72 messages, last message: 08/23/2008 08:32, 54874 views, last view: 05/19/2024 02:01

ok i was giong through octo_edit a couiple
days ago and seen some of the need ideas theat might be added to sauer.

the destructble goemetry sounds real cool excpt thatsome poeple might blast a hole straight to the flag and it might be expensive on machines.and if there was a way to turn it off then some people would have the long way to the flag and ppl with it on woulg have a hole that leads straight to it.

stationary guns would be cool if they had a limited ammo so u dont just sit there and protect your flag

vehicles i know have already been discused and something like your already in a vehicle now shut up nd drive.
vehicles would be good in large mape like berlin and if they could carry 1 driver + 5 passengers and even kooler if ti had a turret.you would have to make the vehicles go fast so it doesnt take away from the sauer pased gameplay
and mabe have vehicles that only 1 team can enter so the team that im on doent monopolize the vehicles

i had more ideas but i forgot them so when i remember l will post them


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#1: sory and water

by $k!llz on 07/21/2008 19:38

sory i didnt see the sauer improvement thread underneath

o this would be cool but realy expencive probably.wat if the water flowed.like actually fload down because it lookes dumb the see cubes of water floating there. so like if there was a realy rocky wall ane u laid some water on the top it would flow naturally like a waterfall

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#2: explosions

by jzman3 on 07/22/2008 05:32

When i shoot something can the objects rotate and fly in air, that would be really cool. Also if someone falls ten stories in the game it would be cool if they died. It would better if there was a script command to turn this on/off.

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#3: Re: explosions

by JadeMatrix on 07/22/2008 06:44, refers to #2

That's called falling damage, and Quake 3 didn't have it. Sauer is a similar arena game.

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#4: Re: explosions

by noerrorsfound_dudewheresmycookie on 07/22/2008 06:52, refers to #3

Quake 3 does have falling damage.

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#5: ..

by rafale_05 on 07/22/2008 07:19

i think putting a vehicle in the game is a cool features....

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#6: No vehicles

by JBridge on 07/22/2008 09:20

Sorry, but I don't see them including vehicles anytime soon. Same goes for the destroyable enviroments, turrets and flowing water. It all has to do with how the map data is handled.

Falling damage could be feasibly implemented, but I see no real reason why it should be included. Besides, it mught break compatability with some older maps that require you to fall from great heights. Maybe falling damage could be set as a variable?

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#7: Re: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 07/22/2008 09:28, refers to #5

"You are already in a vehicle. Now shut up and drive."

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#8: Destructible environment

by MisanthropX/Redon on 07/22/2008 10:08

destructible cubes are a good idea but yes. .maybe a little bit too advanced for a almost non-dynamic ego shooter game like braten, (except platforms/barrels/boxes) i think about a own material class with that material on a cube it can be destructible, but i guess that would decrease the FPS and lags the game extremly. well lets see what the developer think about that theme..

i guess its not the first time that someone thought about that.

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#9: ..

by Mr.Piddly 00000001 on 07/22/2008 20:45

The next release should include easy server options to disable or enable certain weapons and power ups. This would prevent that weapon or powerup from spawning on that map.

There should be an automatic or manual option to control how the disabled weapons spawns should be handled. With one option, nothing would spawn once a weapons is disabled. The other option would randomly spawn one of the active weapons in the disabled weapon's place.

Also, I personally would like more unique/creative weapons to be added to sauerbraten. This applies to the effect of the weapon, not just its physical appearance.

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#10: Re: ..

by Mr.Piddly 00000001 on 07/22/2008 21:05, refers to #9

In reference to my previous post, new weapons would also use secondary fire to control any aspects of how or what a weapon fires.

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#11: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/22/2008 22:37, refers to #9

I like the first idea, with the server-side weapon disabling. Could be fun. But I have found that even after years of playing Sauer and Cube, I'm still pretty happy with the weapons (except for the animation of the current fist, I think it should spin a bit slower, and be held unsteadily in front of you. But that's just artistic preference speaking).

But the server-specific weapons is not a bad idea.

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#12: Re: Destructible environment

by Bibi2 on 07/22/2008 23:48, refers to #8

I guess the biggest matter is the lightmap. The geometry can be modified easily, as saw in coop edit mode, and despite a little lag, it would be OK. But the lightmap would need to be re-computed, and that would be too long, even if someone make a better relight process that don't relight perfectly all the map but only the modified part.
I think this feature would be possible whith a raytraced version of sauerbraten. It do exist for Quake 3 (or 4?). But it needs a GPU that can handle it in real time. We have to wait some years.

There are 2 features that I would like to see: a command that can make a selection, like in edit mode, and triggers in multiplayer. With a trigered selection it is possible to script some events (material change + creating particles=forcefield, switchable death area, etc).

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#13: Re: Destructible environment

by tentus_ on 07/22/2008 23:56, refers to #12

You mean something like patchlight?

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#14: Re: explosions

by wwwazzup on 07/23/2008 00:13, refers to #3

To be picky, it's actually called Fall damage not Falling damage, You don't get hurt by falling you get hurt by landing.

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#15: Re: Destructible environment

by $k!llz on 07/23/2008 00:14, refers to #12

bibi your right. the lightmap would take 2 long expecially on mape like hallo and mach 2.

but wat if they implemented realtime lighting?so your dude casts a shadow and all that stuff.

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#16: Re: Destructible environment

by MovingTarget on 07/23/2008 01:24, refers to #15

Your dude *does* cast a shadow, unless I'm mistaken.

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#17: Re: Destructible environment

by $k!llz on 07/23/2008 01:30, refers to #16

he only shadows in 3rd person view

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#18: Re: Destructible environment

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 07/23/2008 03:42, refers to #17

I would like it if you could see your dudes shadow in first person :D

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#19: Re: Destructible environment

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/23/2008 12:18, refers to #18

The shadow isn't actually dynamic. It's fixed to a certain angle.

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#20: glass

by $k!llz on 07/27/2008 00:05

it would be kool if at least glass was breakable and u could mould it like a cube

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