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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

weapon reloads optiopns??

by {CK}Psycho[LOL] on 07/19/2008 02:18, 8 messages, last message: 07/25/2008 05:45, 1011 views, last view: 04/09/2024 04:07

well I was wondering if you could make it so that for example a rocket round can you make it so that when you pick it up it gives you like 15 bullets?

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#1: ..

by tman_elite on 07/19/2008 03:01

You'd have to modify the source. I'm pretty sure this is found in src/fpsgame/game.cpp. Look in there for a set of weapons, and there should be two numbers there (number you get when you pick it up and max number you can hold.) Once you tweak these you'll have to recompile the source into an executable. This process differs between operating systems but I'm sure if you use the handy "search" tool here on the forum you'll find some set of instructions.

Just to warn you, don't try to use hacks like this online. It will get you banned.

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#2: Re: ..

by {CK}Psycho[LOL] on 07/19/2008 03:04, refers to #1

this is a hack.... how?

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#3: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 07/19/2008 03:05, refers to #2

Changing the ammount of ammo you pick up and hold? I'm no expert but I think picking up 15 rockets instead of 5 is quite an advantage. Maybe I misunderstood the question.

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#4: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/19/2008 04:17, refers to #3

Last I heard, health and ammo were handled server-side.
I could be wrong, though...

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#5: Re: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 07/19/2008 08:42, refers to #4

I don't think you are, since lag causes weapon pickup to be effective in your client later.

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#6: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 07/19/2008 19:44, refers to #4

Well I just tried it and it seemed to work for me.

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#7: ..

by Bibi2 on 07/25/2008 02:54

You may put 3 entities "rockets" at the same point (snap to grid can be usefull). You'll see only one, I think, but you'll pick 15 rockets instead of 5, each time.

That's some kind of hidden ammo, but it would be maybe less unfair than the hidden health in tejen's pool.

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#8: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/25/2008 05:45, refers to #7

...which is a bad idea in terms of mapping. The player should be able to see what they're picking up.
Take a look at MeatROme's 4b--at the start, ammo is placed in front of you, not in the same place as the playerstart. It's so you know what you get.

Oh, and in the three-rockets-in-one-place system, one potential problem is that someone comes along with 10 rockets already, and only picks up one... Now the next person that comes along (or the same person later) tries to pick up the 15, but only gets 5. Could be troublesome.

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