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Directory Paths?

by HaXBoX on 07/15/2008 18:28, 7 messages, last message: 07/16/2008 17:37, 1242 views, last view: 04/23/2024 23:46

How can i change an path
Example sound path,modlels,textures

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#1: ..

by scanf on 07/15/2008 18:58

Sound and models paths are hard-coded in the source.

To change these either modify the source or just replace the current sounds and models with your own.

Textures can be changed from the map's .cfg file in the base directory.

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#2: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 07/15/2008 20:50, refers to #1

Sound paths aren't hardcoded, they're in data/sounds.cfg. I'm pretty sure the models are in a .cfg too.

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#3: ..

by Osbios on 07/15/2008 20:52

The loading directory is hardcoded to packages/sounds so you have to place your sounds there to load them.

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#4: ..

by tman_elite on 07/15/2008 22:20

Map models are in data/default_map_models.cfg or something. If you want to change things like the models for players, monsters, ammo, etc. you'll either need to replace the current ones or change the source. I'm pretty sure that sounds like "pain" are hardcoded as well, but the music files and such are controlled by a .cfg.

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#5: ..

by Osbios on 07/16/2008 13:37

OK,I tray again:

Some of the models are hardcoded. (you can only change them by exchange the model file)
Mapmodels and ALL sounds coming from CFG settings. The order you load them gives them specific model or sound IDs. Some sound IDs are hardcoded for specific events. (like pain)

But the loading directory of sounds and models is limited to packages/models and packages/sounds.

Now clear how it works?

Learn to make proper questions!
And: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C%2B%2B :P

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#6: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/16/2008 16:57, refers to #5

Actually, it's not limited to those directories.
Say you've got a sound at packages/sheeettin/sound.wav. You can load it with "/mapsound ../sheeettin/sound.wav". The .. means up one directory.

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#7: ..

by Osbios on 07/16/2008 17:37

I didn't know that ".." was working. But you still have to know that the base directory is packages/models or packages/sounds.

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